SitNews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska

PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center - Ketchikan, Alaska

Alaska Airlines - Two bags fly free. Join Club 49

Academy Mortgage Corp - Ketchikan, Alaska - Sarah Griffin Loan Officer

Schmolck Mechanical Contractors - Ketchikan, Alaska

Alaskan and Proud Markets - Grocery & Liquor Stores - Ketchikan, Alaska

Alaska Travelers - Ketchikan, Alaska - Asisting travelers with lodging in Ketchikan since 1999.

KRBD - Ketchikan FM Community Radio for Southern Southeast Alaska

Ketchikan Humane Society

Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce - Ketchikan, Alaska

POW Report - Prince of Wales Island News  & Events




















SitNews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Alpine Real Estate - Ketchikan, Alaska Gateway City Realty - Ketchikan, Alaska Legacy Real Estate - Ketchikan, Alaska EST 1970
Coastal Keller Williams Realty - Ketchikan, Alaska Davies-Barry Insurance - Ketchikan, Juneau, Prince of Wales Madison Lumber & Hardware - Ketchikan, Alaska (TrueValue)


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Stories in the News
©1997 - 2019
Ketchikan, Alaska

In Memory of SitNews' editor
Richard (Dick) Kauffman


Mary Kauffman, Webmaster/Editor,
907 617 9696


Locally owned & operated.

Est. 1997
Est. Commercial 2005-2019
©1997 - 2019

 Articles & photographs that appear in SitNews may be protected by copyright and may not be reprinted or redistributed without written permission from and payment of required fees to the proper sources.

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Ketchikan Arts & Humanities Council - 45th Annual Blueberry Arts Festival 2023 - Booth Sign Up

Ketchikan Area Arts & Humanities Council - 2023 Music On The Dock Summer Concert Series - Call for Musicians

First Bank - Ketchikan, Alaska

Grow Ketchikan - Economic Development for Ketchikan - Ketchikan, Alaska

Rendezvous Senior Day Center - Ketchikan, Alaska - Serving seniors and adults with disabilities.

Tongass Trading Company - Shop A Piece of History - Ketchikan, Alaska

Tongass Trading Co. Furniture House - Ketchikan, Alaska

The Local Paper - Ketchikan, Alaska The Local Paper - Ketchikan, Alaska The Home Office - The Local Paper; Ketchikan, Alaska

The Local Paper is
available online.
Click here for this week's printed edition (PDF)

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