Scout and Guide Historical Society (Proposed)

Welcome to  the Forum  of the  proposed Scouts and Guides Historical Society .

Feel free to  start 'a thread' posting a message for others to read . Readers, if so  minded will be able to add or respond to your comments.  

The Society will be inaugurated if we have 200 names by October 2009.  The membersip fee will then pay for a website which will host the Society own Forum, and many of additional services, in the meantime these pages will act as our newsheet. 

If leaving a message please be sure to add a title for your contribution or the softwear will not add it to the Forum.

Scouting Milestone's Forum
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Girl Guide Badge Meets

Although I wear two hats (I'm a Girl Guide and Boy Scout memorabilia collector) I see the history of the two organisations as being different sides of the same coin.
In my eyes the two are inseparable, we have the same founder, the same ideals and if Edwardian Britain had allowed it we would have the one organisation.
I only hope that in the near future our two organisations are enlightened enough to become one.
However, I want to know why we have numerous Scout Badge Meets (o.k. there are Girl Guide badge collectors who attend these meetings and people like myself who collect both Guide and Scout items) and yet we have no Badge Meets arranged by Girl Guides. Hopefully, a strong Guide membership within the Scout and Guide Historical Society will enable this to be rectified.
I'm also hoping that there is a female Colin Walker out there!!!
Let us know your thoughts.

Re: Girl Guide Badge Meets

Like Greg, I collect both Scout and Guide items. I also hope that more people interested in Guiding will join the Historical Society. The Centenary celebrations will hopefully generate lots of interest.

I am struggling with the image of a female Colin Walker...
