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Prayer for my Family

I pray for my family. It seems that over the last few years, life has been extremly tough for us. There are constant agruments and disagreements and I am just now seeing the effects of it on our children. My daughter has been having major problems, emotional problems over the last few weeks and I am becoming very concerned. I don't know what to do anymore but to feel guilty about what is going on. I can't help to blame myself. I feel like all the bad things I have done in my life are coming back to bite me in the butt...I have asked for forgivness, patience, something, but it never seems to change...I want to give it all to you Lord and just pray that you will handle it all...but there is always that little thought in the back of my mind about control...I want to control it....I pray that you direct me to a good church, where I will find strong women and a good church community....I need that so much....I pray for my husband...and that he will one day come to know the Lord...I pray that I can be more of a Christian and less of a I always do....It's SO hard....Why? Why does life sometimes feel so hard....I am so concerned about my daughter and her actions and attitude lately...I sometimes wonder what is bothering her....Is she being tormented maybe, I don't know....Please anyone who reads this, please pray for us....Many thanks in advance.