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Say what's on your mind here, but please let's not attack other people. Constructive criticism or suggestions for our site are more than welcome too. Anything to get chit's mind workin will be fine, ty! ;)

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well, seeing how this place is de-skirt-ed, would be a fine place to make out at now, talk some chit and all. no one left but me, "weeps". hey whats this?, someone dropped a blunt before they left,well at least they was thinking of me.
("puff puff back to myself")
take another hit chit, oh i just couldnt, ok sure
("puff puff pass to me again")
few minutes later, i start to think to myself, again,
reckon theres any lick-her left in this ghost town?

slowly walks around, as to not make the blunt wanna run for the wind, takes another puff puff pass and BINGO!!!!!! found the place they was hideing the bottles.....this is my day. pause................

switches back from the porn site, weed takes me there, and now has another thought.

if they left weed for me, left alot of lick-her for me to drink, then surely they had some extra stuff hot and wet around here. "walks over to the de-skirted bedroom", "peeks threw door", "sees something on the floor" omg what is that?????????????????
looks like a dried up baseball bat!!!!!!!!!!!!
"looks closer"

that what i think it is??????????????

takes another ("puff puff pass, back to me, puff puff pass, again to me, another, dam, inhaled the roach, again)

no wonder they all gone!!

with a tear in a chit-faced eye, i gaze down and see a

18"trogen discarded beside bed.

stumbles back to the lick-her bottle. reality sets in.