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FlippinFriends' Messageboard

Say what's on your mind here, but please let's not attack other people. Constructive criticism or suggestions for our site are more than welcome too. Anything to get chit's mind workin will be fine, ty! ;)

FlippinFriends' Messageboard
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Okay, this is sad...

Not sure if anyone but Chit will read this, but:

In October, this website will no longer be viewable. Geocities is closing, so any "free" sites will be removed then. I always thought it'd be cool to get up to 100K views, but we did get pretty close.

I miss all the flippin poker peeps, and hope e1 is doing well...and living a drama-free life (I know, big dreams there lol)!

Hugs n Kisses!


Re: Okay, this is sad...

sept 28th and im here before oct, and hell yes you knew ya female insticts told ya i would be here.
dam your good, i want ya now!!!!

Re: Okay, this is sad...

Whew!! Thank gawd you were here Chit. Now I have closure on this whole site.