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This message board is for anyone who is suffering from a debilitating disease, or suffering from depression, or in need of support for whatever it is in your life that has brought you to this forum.

Please start by leaving a comment introducing yourself. You can start any discussions that you want as long as they are appropriate.
The html settings are on so you can include code to leave an image that is positive or has meaning or that may cheer someone up.

You are also welcome to share quotes, poems, and such that you find are uplifting, inspiring and positive.
Also any medical articles that you think would be helpful to others...please feel free to leave a link to the article or copy and paste it to the appropriate place in the forum.
If you have found ways to deal with certain issues regarding your health..(hints and tips) please feel free to share them here with others.

*Also PLEASE familiarize yourself with the few but important rules of this forum. Anyone who is found to "break" the rules will be banned from the forum*
Sorry to sound Harsh...but this is a place to start some healing, receive some support and make friends...No Drama Allowed!!


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Chemotherapy can reduce the bone marrow's ability to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of your body. When there are too few red blood cells, body tissues do not get enough oxygen to do their work. This condition is called anemia. Anemia can make you feel short of breath, very weak, and tired. Call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

Fatigue (feeling very weak and tired).
Dizziness or feeling faint.
Shortness of breath.
Feeling as if your heart is "pounding" or beating very fast.
Your doctor will check your blood cell count often during your treatment. She or he may also prescribe a medicine that can boost the growth of your red blood cells. Discuss this with your doctor if you become anemic often. If your red count falls too low, you may need a blood transfusion or a medicine called erythropoietin to raise the number of red blood cells in your body.

Things you can do if you are anemic (See the section "Fatigue")

Get plenty of rest. Sleep more at night and take naps during the day if you can.
Limit your activities. Do only the things that are essential or most important to you.
Ask for help when you need it. Ask family and friends to pitch in with things like child care, shopping, housework, or driving.
Eat a well-balanced diet.
When sitting, get up slowly. When lying down, sit first and then stand. This will help prevent dizziness.

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