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Diskpatch runs out of free memory?

I am trying to analyze my drive and about 80% into the process diskpatch says that free memory is too low to continue and that it must abort. I had a problem with too many data entries but i fixed dcp file and there are around 760 items found thru 80% of the scan. I am not sure what I need to do to make this work for me.

Operating system / Service Pack: Diskpatch

Size of subject harddisk: florida

Re: Diskpatch runs out of free memory?


Please email me the resulting logfile, use the support email address.
Also, what type of partition(s) are you trying to recover? Could you perhaps tell us what the original partition layout was/is for the disk you're working on?
The diskpatch logfile can be found on the diskpatch bootdisk, in the DP_FILES folder. The most recent file is called DP.LOG.


Re: Diskpatch runs out of free memory?


I didn't see the logfile yet and maybe the following gets you going again:

If you are only looking for NTFS partitions try the suggestion in FAQ article Q151:

"To configure DiskPatch to ignore FAT start sectors, open the DP.CFG file and change the IGNOREF8FF setting from 0 to 1."

Note that we would still like to see the logfile! Could you please also describe briefly the PC you are using (CPU, installed memory, desktop/laptop, BIOS brand)

Kind regards,

Size of subject harddisk: Haarlem - Netherlands - Europe

Re: Diskpatch runs out of free memory?

i am sending the log file now and I will try to include as much info as I can, thanks.

Operating system / Service Pack: Diskpatch

Size of subject harddisk: florida

Re: Diskpatch runs out of free memory?


Please create a logfile following the steps in the top sticky post 'creating a DiskPatch logfile'.

Again, IF you are only interested in NTFS partitions apply the suggestions made in FAQ article Q151:

"To configure DiskPatch to ignore FAT start sectors, open the DP.CFG file and change the IGNOREF8FF setting from 0 to 1."

Kind regards,

Size of subject harddisk: Haarlem - Netherlands - Europe