Fife Greys Forum

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Come on GRF
Lets all get behind Jimmy and Celia in their 3rd attempt to get planning permission for a house at the kennels.
John has put a link in his post very simple to use .
The planning dept. must acknowledge every email or letter that is sent.LET THEM KNOW THE DEPTH OF FEELING THAT WE ALL SHARE FOR JIMMY AND CELIA AND THE WORK THAT THEY ARE INVOLVED IN

Re: COME ON GRF !!!!

Absolutely .. we have posted six letters from ourselves, family & friends ...

It is a HUGELY important time for Celia, Jimmy and the dogs that they work so hard for.

Susan, Mo & Bootsie.

Re: COME ON GRF !!!!

Have done it Bert and passed the message on-everyone at work fed up with my tirades!!