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Emma is doing great

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick update to let you know how Emma is doing.

She has settled in very well with the whole family and is doing great . She gets on well with Arthur and they now play together and share space happily in the car and at home. She has been wonderful from the very beginning and seems to be quite happy where she is.

She is so happy to see people/other dogs and has no problems going up and down the stairs. Everyone who meets her, has fallen in love and she is a fabulous addition to our family and circle of friends. She still adores my son (and me too!) and is especially happy when we come home.

We will be moving down to Heddon-on-the-Wall, Northumberland in August and she will find herself in a quieter environment and a nice manse to live in, with Arthur. The Circuit is already making sure we have an appropriate fence in our back garden so that the two dogs can be contained and happy to play together.

She is delightful and loving and we can not imagine her not being in our lives .

We will be in touch, after the move and let everyone know how we have all settled in to our new home.

With Every Blessing,
Nico, Patrick, Arthur and Emma

Re: Emma is doing great

Sounds like Emma has landed well and truly on her paws :-) We are so happy that she has found such a loving forever home .... we saw her at Baltree, and felt so sorry for her - she looked so bewildered.

Hope the move goes well for you all, and look forward to further news.

All good wishes,
Susan, Moira & Bootsie.