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I liked most the camaraderie between Chris and Peter, and to hear Chris playing the post-Chris songs. It may be corny to say, but Stamey cares about Holsapple's well-being. They're brothers. Beautiful vibe onstage and in the audience with lots of encouragement being offered. A great event.

Re: camaraderie

I absolutely agree, Mike P. -- that was a treat to watch. Chris said it best in that preview interview: "We the drank the same water for a long time." The affection seems genuine, and it's wonderful to watch.

If (and when) they play more together, it would be amazing to see them dip further into each other's songbooks -- I'd love to hear "Cara Lee", "14 Shades of Green", "I Been There", "Meet Me In The Middle", and some of Will's stuff, too, like "Got You Up My Sleeve" or "Dave".

Just a stupendous body of work between the four of them. If you go look at each of the four individual pages on allmusic, it's just crazy what a wide swath through the last thirty years of music it cuts.


Re: camaraderie

Just one more followup on this from Tuesday night -- obviously, Peter's voice was pretty ripped up, and on some of the early songs, the first few times he tested it out, Chris had this look of keen focus on his face as he watched Peter.

I might be reading more into this than is necessary, but diametrically opposed to it seeming like a wince, it absolutely seemed like a brotherly "come on come on you can do it!" type of vibe. One of many neat moments in the interplay between the four of them (I also loved Will's sardonic cutting off of Peter mid-story with a piercing "but ANYWAY..." as he counted off the next song).

I am still stunned at what Peter managed to coax out of that larynx last night.


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