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The dB's Online Message Board is somewhat unmediated. Be nice. Your messages are welcome, but there are no promises that they will reach or be replied to by members of the band. Your suggestions for features are also welcome and will be considered for future inclusion. We request that you not post personal information, including email addresses, about anyone besides yourself without that person's permission. Don't forget to be funny.

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If you used Paypal watch out for "spoofs"

Hey fellow db-fans and dbs,
I am glad that the dbs are involved in helping the Katrina cause and was happy to donate money through payapl.
Just wanted to make you aware that I was recently sent 2 or 3 spoof emails pretending to be from Paypal. Paypal is a completely legit organization and is well-aware of these breaches of security that happen all too often. You can read more about what I'm talking about and helpful ways to idenify spoof emails here...

stay cool

pete galub

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