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Update On Chatroom Services

Dear Linda

For the last two weeks we have been receiving support inquiries from a number of our customers with regard to certain users being unable to access the chat forums whilst many others have had no problem at all. Upon further
investigation we can confirm that a small number of ISP's have put in place port blocks in response to the mydoom virus (in effect now offering a RESTRICTED internet service). The ports being blocked are in the range used
by our forum servers and therefore chat users using these ISP's have been unable to access. In the main these ISP's are Blueyonder, Telewest and Freeserve.

We have been in communication with these providers, however responses have been poor, lacked any useful information and on many occasions denial of any blocks having been placed!

Whilst the problem is clearly caused by these blocking ISP's who are constantly assuring us they are "looking into it", and that "the problem will be fixed shortly", we are not happy with this response and so have decided to address the problem ourselves by relocating our entire server network to alternative port ranges not effected by these blocks.

This is a mammoth undertaking and we ask that you bare with us whilst we carry out this work. We anticipate this work should take 5-7 days and will require some modification to the HTML code on your pages that we will send to you once your forum(s) have been relocated. Once the new HTML code is
added to your page(s), the chat forum(s) will be available immediately. The old code on your page(s) will need to be replaced within 7 days of receipt to ensure the continued operation of your forum. Please be aware that any changed to your forum set-up made between now and the relocation may be lost and so we advise all forum owners to make their own backups/notes of any changes made during this time.

Kind regards

Network Operations Team
ASCII Software Ltd