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Hardest hitting dog comp.

I have had some people ask if this was going to be offered.....I will put out to the people and see who is interested. If you would then just reply. Oh and if it does go then Chris you just earned your self a new job at my trial......I have to safe Scott and Ken. They have to work the trial you know.

Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Matt said:
"Oh and if it does go then Chris you just earned your self a new job at my trial....."


There's no better way to initiate newly certified Decoys than to have them catch cannon balls at 50 yards.

Sounds like fun if there's enough interest.

If the trial goes 2 days, maybe we could do it at the end of day one......


Type of dogs owned: dogs that bite

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Sh-it I catch Atos at training every weekend. While other dogs may match him and his striking power, I don't see topping something that is already off the charts. So bring it on I'v caught a few of the best!

PS: And have learned to stay on my feet while doing it

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Not sure if I ever mentioned how much I love this banner picture

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

sounds like fun, I would test little Hugo and I am sure Keith would enter Tango...
Maybe we can send all the dogs on Chris at once-
sorta like a DOGGIE DODGE Ball- what do you think

Type of dogs owned: Mals and GSD\'s

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Hey CJ,
Did you get permission from the slamee to post that pic?

Don't make me sue your A$$

The caption should read...'Atos showing Scott a thing or two, Beeeeeatch'

Happy and SAFE Training,
Atos' Beeeeeatch

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Oh don't even tell me you turn your body and catch on the back arm/tricept region....THAT'S AWFUL SCHUTZHUND-LIKE!!!! Square up on them, let them come in at your clavical (a.k.a. your collar bone) and absorb the catch and stay on your feet.....or better yet charge them at a dead run KNPV/PSA style and see who needs to be baptised!


Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

For those who can't read....Ive included pictures...

No thats not me, but I make that catch every weekend and then some....

Later Nancys!!!

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

In ASR we make all kinds of catches, except forearm catches. Most of the time it depends on the scenario at hand. For the record even though I ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!! giving Scott sh-it, especially about this picture, Scott is one hell of a decoy and really knows what he's doing. Also, I must say not bad for an ole' man. But every great decoy meets the ground here and there. This dog here in the picture *WILL* land you on your azz and make you eat dirt if you screw up your catch the slightest, and every now and then when you do everything right. I'm just giving him a hard time, he really is an excellent decoy.

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Hey Jared (AKA the greatest decoy in the universe)

If you look at the picture, and think about what's happening, you will see that the dog is biting the suit at the bicep/armpit area, the suit has pulled a good 6-8 inches down the arm during the impact and subsequent activities.

This was the defense of handler exercise, so the decoy was standing and turning to absorb impact, as you can see, the dog created more impact than the decoy was ready for in this instance, but he didn't jam the dog for the sske of not getting knocked down, because the safety of the dog is first priority to us.

I'm sure you would have jammed the dog, stayed on your feet and looked verrrry manly!!!

When you've been around this game for a while, you'll learn not to judge an entire sequence of events by looking at one picture.

Criticising everyone else doesn't make you any better, rather it clearly shows your own self doubt and insecurity.

Keep the great tips coming, your sarcasm and wit are soooo charming to us all.


Type of dogs owned: dogs that bite

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

I was trying to figure out from the pictures, 'cause I can't read, how in the name of all that is holy, he considers a dog that bites in the deltoid region hits anywhere near the clavicle.

Type of dogs owned: Mal, GSD\\'s

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Oh yeah, I needed to ask the expert. If everyone is such a nancy, how come you target that dog like a girl? Manly men put the dog right on the suit collar. Who's ***** is drying up now?

Type of dogs owned: Mal, GSD\\\'s

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

I know that one guy in our club that wants to enter his dog. There may be 2 more that will I haven't talked to them yet!

Type of dogs owned: Beglian Malinois

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

You know where to find me....bring it anytime you are up this way......cause the "Greatest Decoy in the Universe" according to you ALICE has something to teach you then.

Catching on the deltoid from a face to face send be it DOF, face/courage, etc is not that great of a catch. If they target high, then square up on them and make the catch. Don't turn your shoulder and take it, spin through it and land the dog safely. Now try it at a dead run.

I make that clavical target/catch weekly if not more frequently. You swing the dog through the catch, and let their kinetic energy carry both dog and decoy through a full round so NOT to stuff the dog. The picture I showed was to show the target area not the finished product.

You have to comprehend and know what your talking about before you reply if your gonna try to talk $h!t.

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Alright, lets cool it down a little here. Jared, You shouldn't try and critique a decoy or a catch based on one still picture. We do just fine catching dogs safely in ASR. The type of catch your talking about we make those all the time likewise. ASR is Not schutzhund or Belgian Ring where the dog will only be caught in primarily one spot. The dog situation and scenario dictate the catch. There isn't one decoy in ASR that doesn't know what he is doing, and have not screwed up any dogs as a result of their decoying. It also is not amateur hour where ASR decoys make a new home on the ground, But it does happen with any good decoy from time to time. Now lets lightned up and get back to usual talk and screwing around. Start a new thread and tell us what's the deal with AWMA. I know a month or so back they had a job for you, what's the turn out.

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

hi guys have a couple of contestants for that show--

Type of dogs owned: mals

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Sent them my stuff. haven't heard boo from them.

Don't know what their deal is. Im in if they ever decide to get back with me.

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

I'm confused, Jared.

Sent your stuff to WHO for WHAT?

I respect your opinions, and you have some very good ideas. Thanx for the critique on my decoying...I can use all I can receive.

I have to mention, however that for an EMT, you have a seriously flawed perception of the human anatomy.

The KNPV train for the BICEP and the TRICEP (or the legs), not the 'clavicle'. I'm sure that was just a misprint on your part.

Any time you want to come down here and bring your dogs, I'll be willing to learn from the best... It will save me another trip to Holland.

As for the dog that took me down on that training day...come catch him. However, I suggest that you do not jam ain't the dog you have to worry about.

Happy and SAFE clavicle catching,

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

He was talking about the AWMA they were complaining that they needed help to further devolop around other venues other than schutzhund, so Jared volunteered to help.

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Trust me I know what Im talking about as far as anatomy goes.

The KNPV dogs Ive worked majority had their PH I and a few with a PH II. They all came as close to my chest as they possibly could while still allowing their lower body to swing past mine. This put their head on my clavical as they were well inside my shoulder not out side it on the bicep.

Im not worried about jamming him unless he comes center mass and leaves real late to launch then its tough to make them miss for their own safety. Otherwise Ill swing him righ through that bite with ease. Especially if he's farther down the arm like he appears to be. When they target out like that and are inside your body you have to bend at the elbow and pull them back in while still taking momentium off their entry safely and help keep on your feet.

If they are on the back of the arm you have to bring the arm in tight against your body to help pull them in and through the momentium so you don't loose your balance so you can work the bite and not be pulled so far off your center of gravity in either situation.

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.


First off you are a dumb ass and the vidoes you have been watching have paid off I think I heard that exact same comment you made on a leerburg Video.
Second the people decided to give your "decoy lesson" to have been working dogs for a long time. Hell you where still soiling your pampers when they started so my advise to you is SHUT THE HELL UP and learn something here or go away nobody give a **** about what dogs you have worked or who you know. You are a name dropper nothing more. Learn how to work a dog then come talk. Other wise get your own lines and stop stealing them from training videos. You have just enough knowledge to be dangerous nothing more!

Matt Hammond

oh and the dog in the picture has taken down the best. So I am sure you wouldn't be a problem for him either.

Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Dude I didn't realize you where a S&R handler.......My bad tell me all you know about training a Protection dog please. I mean I can't rememebr the last time I had to defend a sewage treatment plant.............


Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Tell him how you really feel Matt Daddy! ~Judy

Type of dogs owned: Working Malinois

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

You know the one thing I hate the most about Chat boards is this, you will always have that keyboard trainer that sits on the computer and talks crap to everyone else. Knowing good and well they don't have half the knowledge needed to train anything but they buy some videos and become a super star. The dog world is full of them and the worst part is they scam innocent people into thinking they know what they are doing with thier lies. He might be a good decoy hell be might even be the best but don't get on a chat board and bust on a WHOLE group of people because you saw one picture. Scott is one of the best decoys I have had the pleasure of meeting and I feel it an honor to call him a friend. So this was more of a ***** slap on him/us then a constructive disagreement. That is how I really feel. The longer I am in this buisness the more I am incapable of BS.

Matt Hammond

Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Thanks for the kind words, Matt.

I don't have anything personal against Jared, and I was being a little ***** last nite (stress is a bear). By all accounts from people I know and trust, he IS a good decoy. He is correct in that SOME KNPV dogs do come more to the center, and it is unnerving to catch a dog like that...however most of those dogs do that due to lack of training (or lack of maintenance), because the KNPV REQUIRES the dog to hit in a certain spot, or face penalties. When you trial 100 plus dogs at a time, you don't have the luxury of figuring out where they are going to go...Thus the rules.

Anywayz, I don't take many things personally. You can't do what I do for a living and have a thin skin (not to mention being able to go out in public, get thrown on your azz, get up and laugh about it).

Not many decoys can fall as gracefully as I...lotsa practice. Thing is, it DOES take a bit of talent to get thrown for a loop like that, and not:

A. Fall on the dog and hurt it.
B. Get the dog twisted in the suit and break it's jaw.

I've seen plenty of dogs get hurt badly because the decoy was so worried about getting knocked down and looking 'bad' that they fought the fall and ended up seriously injuring the dog, themselves, or both.

Anyone who has done this for any length of time knows this to be true:

There are two kinds of decoys. Those that have been knocked on their azz, and those that lie about it

Re: Hardest hitting dog comp.

Hey man I caught Carlo Van Neerland last weekend. I took one trip to the ground with that Paco/Tonka son. The first catch was beautiful, but the suit pants were a little tight and I had to go to a knee gracefully. Once I got the feel of the pants, I stayed on my feet. Scott he is a really nice dog, big, strong, and fast. Tonka should be proud. ~Justin

Type of dogs owned: Working Malinois


Wow, that's great, Justin. Where did you see John and Carlo?

I haven't had the pleasure, yet. From what I've seen on video, though, he is his daddy re-incarnated. Mama wants to see him again as well.

Hopefully, I'll have room enough to bring one of Carlo's sisters with me to GA. Mama will definitely be there.

Happy and SAFE Training,