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Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

Ok folks after talkling this over with the Board here are the rules for the HHDC.

1. The dog must be entered in the trial.
2. The dog must achieve a passing score in the level that it is entered in.
3. The dog must be in control during and after the bite.
4. The dog must display a clean and controlled out.
5. The Judge and the trial Decoys will decide the winner.
6. There will be two categories. The Hardest hitting dog and a pound for pounder award. This is a dog that might not be the biggest but hits with all it has.

Any questions about or clarification of these rules you can post them here or Email me off the board at

You must state when you are enter that you would like your dog to be considered for this for the hardest hitting dog comp.

Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

Is it going to cost extra to enter in the Hardest Hitting Dog Comp.? If so how much?

Type of dogs owned: Beglian Malinois

Re: Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

It will be an extra $5 to cover the cost of awards and ice packs for the decoys

Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

Hi All,

I just want to clarify for everyone so there is no confusion.

The "hardest hitting" and "pound for pounder" awards will be judged during the trial exercises. There will not be any separate or additional bite exercises for this competition.

These awards will be open to dogs who compete in the trial and earn a passing score, (and whose handlers pay the addidional $5 to be considered for the awards)

This is a fun way to recognize a few dogs who hit with exceptional power, and who have "big dog" heart and courage in a smaller package, without turning the trial into a spectacle of wreckless and untrained or out of control dogs.

I'm looking forward to a fun weekend with a bunch of great people!!!

Jay Murphy

Type of dogs owned: mals

Re: Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

I would like to offer a separate side competition, biggest dog penis competition. This will be on par with the lame ass dog possibly getting injured, but at least my alter ego won't competition.

This is sad guys. this is not what you want to have associated with ASR, or any sport.

I cry BS

Type of dogs owned: Mal, GSD\\\'s

Re: Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

I tend to agree with you. That is why Matt is offering separate awards amongst the trial competitors, and NOT holding a separate event. The awards he's offering are akin to 'highest scoring (name your breed), Handler Owned/Trained' and the like.

ASR will not be associated with any stand-alone contests held outside of the purview of a trial.

Happy and SAFE Training,

Re: Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

Jeff- I know it is me, but do you like or dislike this event? If not...why? We all know the mission and rules and goals of ASR, but
I think it will be fun. I know I go into this, not competing against the other dogs, but competing on how I have accomplished things and what training I have to work on for next time, If someone else gets the trophy, I hope to cheer them on for their good work and maybe one day,my work with my dog will pay off and they will cheer for me. If someone's dog is harder hitting than mine or has a bigger heart according to the decoys or evaluators- it is o.k. to give them a hooray for the day. It is good to give each other adda boys when it is deserved, doesn't mean the other dogs are any worse for it, nor should it go to someones ego because this time their dog was picked. I have trained both my dogs, Keith is now working with Tango,and I have Hugo, and they will be in the same levels-so it will be interesting for me, same handler/trainers-different dog personalities- and if Hugo doesn't get a trophy-he will try again next time. Mo

Type of dogs owned: Mals and GSD\\'s

Re: Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

Here is the thing with hardest hitting contests in my book. Amatuer and DUMB! The fact that they are keeping it within the trial is comforting. I really spazzed when I first saw this and waited to reply. Probably still spazzed, OOOOOOPPPPS
I have seen what can happen in the blink of an eye in these things, and the dog pays bigtime.

Type of dogs owned: Mal, GSD\\'s

Re: Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

Jeff if you would have read the rules and the way everything was set up it would have saved you some trouble.

Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Rules for the Hardest hitting Comp.

Ya have to unnerstand I be tarded sumtim. I see bad ting from pas and seez up. Bad pas, bad ting dogge go boom an no dogge. no dogge no mo. I dun be tarded an be normal now. Sorry to be such a spazz. Still love me? Still accept me?

Type of dogs owned: Mal, GSD\\\'s