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Decoy Certification at GA trial

What time will the Decoy Certification Be on Friday? Also How much will it cost? Thank you for any information you can give me.

Type of dogs owned: Belgian Malinois

Re: Decoy Certification at GA trial

Right now we are looking into either moving it to Thursday or starting it VERY early on friday. with the amount of people interested in the cert it would take up all of friday and the open field day would be a mess. So with that said we are looking into thursday. a post will be added to this board by friday if that happens. The BOD would like people that are interested in becoming a ASR Decoy to be very in tune with the rules of ASR. so as to not take up a bunch of time trying to teach them as well as the routines for the decoys. But likeI said a post will be added to this board by friday as to what the plans are. For any more info contact either Jay, Scott or Ken the head ASR Decoy.

Matt Hammond

Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Decoy Certification at GA trial

Let me add to that just a tad....The folks running the decoy cert will NOT have time to aswer questions concerning rules, procedures, whatever...either you know it, or you don't. If you're not ready to attempt the cert, DON'T. This is not a decoy seminar. The candidates will be told what to do, when to do, not HOW to do. PERIOD.

This is your trial, Matt. The folks paying their money to trial need to have their 'practice' day.

Ken, Jay, and Dave will run a VERY tight ship if you have a decoy selection. Open field day is for the competitors to ask quesitons and put their dogs on the field, not to train potential decoys (trust me folks....we WANT new Decoys....Ken and I are NOT getting younger)

If any of the potential decoy selectees need questions answered, NOW is the time to ask Ken, Jay, Dave, or myself. Call us, email us, come see us...we'll do what we have to do to help.

Sorry if this post seems terse, folks...but at a trial, time is a very slim commodity.

Happy and SAFE Training,

Re: Decoy Certification at GA trial

well said Scott. The open field day is a good time to get your dog on the field and get a feel for the sport. so if it come down to the cert or the open field, then the open field will win.

Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Decoy Certification at GA trial

Not trying to be an azz, Matt....just trying to save you some heartache....btdt, my friend.

Re: Decoy Certification at GA trial

No problem Scott. I know there are alot of people wating to get certified....sounds like we need a decot camp!

Type of dogs owned: Mals