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Allow me to be the first to congratulate CHRIS DUHON for passing his Level 1 Decoy certification over the weekend. We worked his tail off yesterday, and completed the certification today.

Chris displayed comprehensive knowledge of all the ASR Rules/exercises, and completed every thing we threw at him with flying colours. He has improved tremendously in both ability and execution over the last few months, and really showed us what a dedicated individual he is.

He is a fully-certified Level 1 decoy, and is very capable of performing all ASR-E through ASR-2 Exercises, including building/woods search.

Congrats, definitely EARNED this. More later....I'm tired :-)

Happy and SAFE Training,

Re: Congratulations!!!

Congratulations Chriss way to go !!!!

Type of dogs owned: Malinos

Re: Congratulations!!!

Yeahh Buddy!!!!!!!!!!

We had a great weekend and we threw everything at Chris, including the kitchen sink (AKA Ring Dog Vinny) to see how he'd do catching a leg dog. Chris did great and will certainly help take some of the load off of us old geezers. Congrats Chris!! you earned it big time. Now have that lovely wife of yours take you out and buy you a little tiny shriveled up steak!! LOL


Type of dogs owned: mals

Re: Congratulations!!!

OMG!!!! I almost forgot about that!

Jay, you owe me one monitor cleaning for the beer I just spit all over it

Re: Congratulations!!!

Great job Chris. now all the dogs can get we will see you in Ga.

Type of dogs owned: Mals ,GSDs

Re: Congratulations!!!

Way to go Chris,

It seems the interest in ASR is rapidly growing. While I know its been around for a long time. Im glad you guys are working to take it to another level.

It wont be long before there are ASR Trials in the Great White North.

Again great Job.

Leo Hinojosa

Type of dogs owned: Belgian Malinois

Re: Congratulations!!!

Here's a clip of Chris today. He's catching Atos (the rocket) on a downfield attack with object of opposition. This is one of six bite exercises that Chris had to do back to back, after running in the suit and doing some agility drills.

hope this works!!!!


Type of dogs owned: mals

Re: Congratulations!!!

Dude I laughed so hard Jay! That was funsny as hell man! You owe me a monitor cleaning also, but mines just spit
Yeah talk about getting short changed, LOL! A tiny shribbled up steak, ROTFLMAO!!! Speaking of that, I was thinking about that on the drive home tonight, and that *i*** actually had the nerve to look at me crazy when I wanted to return it, totally screwed me all night (and not in a good way ) and they added her a $14.00 gratuity tip to my bill I tell you what. We definatly have to do that again in Augusta. Matt's going to have to reserve us a like a section at some restraunt that can accomodate us all. Preferably a closed off section. It can get a little, well, FUN!! Jay in Augusta, your first 4 rounds are on me you were a riot! LOL!

As for this weekend, I really appreciate you guys coming down. This weekend was a blast!
What can I say I had training from the best (Ken, Scott, Jay). The words of encouragement coming from you 3 guys is very flattering to say the least. I appreciate all the help you guys gave me in earning what I hold to belief as a very honorable title to hold and thats an ASR decoy especially in the "NEW" ASR where standards are high and never compromised. Thanks a bunch for the opportunity.

Jay, I just knew the video was going to be, Well, you know which one

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: Congratulations!!!

Nice job Chris! And a big congrats on your accomplishment! :)


Thanks everyone for the very nice words. If I ever meet any of you guys dogs on the trial field I promise to always be a very fair and impartial decoy, and I will give your dog the best I can, and will give no dog nothing, so as per the standard if your dog wins against me, give you, your training team and most of all your dog a big pat on the back.
*(that comment is NOT to give any testament to me as a decoy, I'm referring to the fact that I will do all I can for every dog to give them that ASR standard, which calls for the big pat on the back)*
Once again, thank you guys very much for the nice words.

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts