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Decoy work open for critique...................

Hi Everyone,

I thought we all might like to critique Mr. Duhon's decoy work in this video.'sfinestwork.wmv

Personally, I think the catch and absorption are nice, maybe a little too much vocal opposition, and I think the first stick hit is a bit brutal, the rest is very nice.

What does everyone else think??

Jay Murphy

Type of dogs owned: Belchin Mongoloids

Re: Decoy work open for critique...................

I think it was very nice. ~Justin

Type of dogs owned: Working Malinois

Re: Decoy work open for critique...................

Jesus Christ!!! Poor dog couldn't even move after being beaten so many times!! definately the work was brutal!! Chris stay away from my dog, you like to kill them!!!

Carlos A Gomez

Type of dogs owned: Malinos

Re: Decoy work open for critique...................

ManI thought y'all said he did a good job during his cert.....See even that dog was affraid of him. Hey Jay how much of a point dedution to you lose if the decoy scares your dog "stuffed" I mean can you get a break or something.

Carlos I have forgotten about you I will give you a shout in the mornning.

Type of dogs owned: Mals

Re: Decoy work open for critique...................

Chris was so hard on the dog previously that it refused to bite. I think it was his girfriends dog so he put it on the suit himself. When that didn't work he pounded the dog mercilessly to up it's "defence" Overall some very creative decoy work!

Type of dogs owned: Mal, GSD\\\'s

Re: Decoy work open for critique...................

hat was hilarious! You guys are awesome. You know, by the pictures I always knew Chris was short, but OshKosh?? **** Chris, I bet shopping is a biotch!

Type of dogs owned: Dogo, Mal, GSD

Re: Decoy work open for critique...................

I LOVE it. Especially the dogs explosive entry :-) I want to see some muzzle work from that dog. LOL Definitely a future decoy in the making there.

Type of dogs owned: Malinois

Re: Decoy work open for critique...................

LMAO!! Thats funny man. I'm going to nominate my son to be in charge of the ASR decoy Cubs as chairman, LOL! While I'm at it I'm going to rename this board,

"Working comedians of the south". You guys are crazy

Chris Duhon

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: Decoy work open for critique...................

Hello from Canada. I have been checking this board almost daily since it started and have enjoyed it very much. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw a post with a video!...............I love video and I could not wait to see Chris in action.

SO.........I have dial up..........I wait about 10 minutes in eager anticipation for the video.................and well........You got me!!!

That was fantastic and made my day!

best regards


Type of dogs owned: malinois, GSD

Re: Decoy work open for critique...................

Hey Chad,

That's the reaction I was looking for!!!

Thanks, YOU made MY day.

Sorry about the lost 10 minutes.........


Type of dogs owned: Belchin Mongoloids