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Decoy Level Certification

Ok, I have gotten a few emails asking me about my certification and what it entailed and what is the certification for ASR-2. I'll attempt to answer this for everyone to see, and I know my compadres will jump in if I'm off on anything.

* There is a written test (not multiple choice for you impaired individuals, )

* A 500 yard run in the suit with exercises to immediatly follow (as Per the change that started with me )

* Agility drills (like football practice) and push-ups in the suit

* Evaluators will pick six exercises ranging from Entry - Level 2 that will be performed back to back with no break immediatly following the run. (Must also be evaluated on Buildings and woods)

* You will also be required to demonstrate capability to catch a leg dog properly.

After completing all the above to standard you recieve the Decoy Level-1. Though you are certified to decoy in Level 2 trials. I personally like to just say the level decoy you are is not condusive to the trial level your decoying. So a Level-1 decoy is certified to decoy a level 2 trial. Level 2 comes with experience decoying **ASR** trials. Level 2 is a promotion not a certification. So basically Level 2 decoys are the ASR old timers who have shown worthy to be a Level 2 classified decoy which is like a supervisor level. It takes 2 level two decoys to decoy a Level 3 trial. Level 1 decoys can decoy an entire trial but there must be a level 2 decoy present at the trial as a supervisor/back-up decoy.
So Jay and Scott tell me if I'm wrong, but we have:

* Apprentice
* Level-1
* Level-2
* Level-3 (a level 2 decoy after decoying a Level 3)

Ok Jay and Scott?

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: Decoy Level Certification

That's a fairly accurate assessment, Chris. Ken is working on all the particulars now, and should have a decoy guide ready very shorly.

A couple of clarifications.

Level 1 Decoy - Certified to work all exercises in a trial from Entry-Level 2, with the possible exception of the building and woods. The woods/building is a separate sign-off that may or may not be attained upon initial certification...depends on the individual attempting certification. A decoy who is deemed incapable of applying correct pressure through the various levels will NOT attain certification.

Level 2 Decoy - Reserved for decoys who have gained experience by decoying numerous ASR trials with favourable comments by the Evaluator and senior decoy present at each trial. As Chris stated, it is a promotion/honour, not a separate Certification.

Level 3 - Ken Hungerford We are probably going to do away with this 'level'. It serves no real purpose, because none of us is Ken. It may become available again as we move towards a 'true' championship trial in the near future.

There must be at least one Level 2 decoy present at all trials, due to the difficult nature of some of the exercises at the upper levels where trial experience is a must.

Sounds a bit complicated, I know. Ken, Jay, Ted and myself have spent a LOT of time trying to hash this out to get to a point where we feel comfortable with the certifications, maintain the integrity and difficulty of the upper levels, and still make it financially feasible for new clubs to hold trials.

I'm working on a Trial Requirements document that will be implemented next year, as well as some basic Rules changes. These will not effect the Earle's trial in January, but will be in place for all subsequent trials.

Whew...I think that's about it.

Happy and SAFE Training,

Re: Decoy Level Certification

Thanks bud for the clarification! It was a somber day out there today without Ken.

What? no comment about the pic, I thought it'd be your favorite, Ken would try to choke the hell out of me if saw this pic, thank God he's not an internet guy LOL!

Hey man, if my sister don't come like we planned long ago for thanksgiving (getting close and I haven't heard from her) then I'll shoot down to you guys' place to train if yall are still doing the all day'er/night campfire/beer night

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: Decoy Level Certification

ANYTHING I say about that pic would most likely get me put in the hospital. You better PRAY that Ken doesn't see it

I'm not sure what Jay has planned. We're definitely training. If it looks like it's going to be a full house, we will probably move it to Saturday vs. Sunday.

Us old guys need our beauty sleep before going to work the next the geritol a chance to kick in!