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the picture

What a very sad dose of Reality! Is this war really worth the high price our troops are having to pay?
Maybe not a discussion for this board, but certainly a point to ponder-

Type of dogs owned: mals, gsd\\'s

Re: the picture

While I didn't intend on this picture leaning towards a discussion about the war it was suppose to be a reality dose with four pictures leading up to thanksgiving so that people keep my comrades who are in harms way in their prayers and remember their sacrifices on behalf of this country when they die. That was all I cared to get into with the picture. I certainly don't knock your question to ponder, but allow me to share this fact that I have witnessed and a quick experience and then by all means come to your personal political views about the war today which ever they may be. We're all dog people and thats our common denomanator, and what has brought us together not our politics, sooo with that said, I will lock this thread after my post just to keep this from going in a direction we didn't intend to go.

While everyone here knows I have served in Afghanistan and Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division Paratroopers. I have encountered times when for whatever reasons we were able to capture the enemy alive (**** Geneva Conventions ) and upon conducting field interrogations (many of them) in both countries and when the insurgents were asked why are you here fighting us, what is your motivation, they ALL have said the same thing. Mind you they were giving the same answer as I'm about to tell you in Afghanistan BEFORE we even went into Iraq. ALL that my men and I have detained said that they are here fighting because we are the infidel(non-believer) power who stands in their way from achieving total global domination of islam. They also vision a unified global islamic goverment. They despise us because we are the slowest growing muslim country and the only 1st world nation that boasts an 85% Christianity rate, which they despise. These people have an agenda and it is not PEACE, I know I have talked to quite a few of them face to face. This crap Bin Laden spilled about they will keep attacking us until we get out of all holy land (particularly our base in Saudi A which their goverment lets us pay them for). Thats only to give reason for his plight. He would be rebuked alot faster coming out saying, we want to rule the world. They also want to gain power and combine forces to destroy Isreal and expell Jews from the middle east. Regardless of why our country sent us to Iraq, though I feel they understood very well the goal of Islamic fundamentalist and wanted to attempt to halt it's spread like pasts presidents it was much easier to say what they suspected, the great WMD. It was the easier sells pitch. But as far as I'm concerned none of that matters because I know why the people who are killing us are killing us, and it is simply because of who we are, and that is a threat to their cause. When asked why are they fighting us here and why not go to America and be a suicide bomber, they said, it's just not that easy and much easier to kill you here and bring sorrow and effect to your families. So they are coming into Iraq to kill trained soldiers. What that tells me is if we weren't there AMERICA would be their primary battlefield, and they wouldn't be hunting trained soldiers, they'd be hunting our children in schools and grocery stores. If we can kill as many of them there thats less we have to worry about here. Most of the fighters are not fighting us because we are in Iraq, they could care less, they want us gone so they can take over one of the richer countries in that region, and also, because they feel it's their God given duty to kill Americans. None of what I'm saying is my opinion of what I think they are thinking, this is from countless field interrogations that my men and I have done in both countries upon capturing them alive after a firefight, and these are their words. So fight them here, fight them there, it doesn't matter this is a fight they were intending on dragging us into, and also a fight we truely have no choice but to fight, because staying home and minding our business is not enough, it still detracts from their pipe dream of global islamic domination. So in closing, if these people were to get their way, we would all be forced to pray 5X's a day and treat our women like slaves. Just something for people to ponder that for some reason you don't hear about in the news.

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts

Re: the picture

"though I feel they understood very well the goal of Islamic fundamentalist and wanted to attempt to halt it's spread like pasts presidents it was much easier to say what they suspected, the great WMD."

MEANT TO SAY "like past presidents' attempts to stop the spread of communism"

Type of dogs owned: Malinuts