Scout and Guide Historical Society (Proposed)

Welcome to  the Forum  of the  proposed Scouts and Guides Historical Society .

Feel free to  start 'a thread' posting a message for others to read . Readers, if so  minded will be able to add or respond to your comments.  

The Society will be inaugurated if we have 200 names by October 2009.  The membersip fee will then pay for a website which will host the Society own Forum, and many of additional services, in the meantime these pages will act as our newsheet. 

If leaving a message please be sure to add a title for your contribution or the softwear will not add it to the Forum.

Scouting Milestone's Forum
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Re: Canadian Branch

The proposed Scout and Guide History Society is pleased to have members for all over the globe. Welcome on board Steve. We also have intending members form America, New Zealand, Australia, France, Belgium and Germany. Several museums have expressed interest and so have been registered as such.

yours in Scouting
