Re: John Lennon, the dreamer, dad, and our different musical god
there is only one thing anyone (including John) could say to that, "Right On, Sister."
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John Lennon is a person I admire for so many reasons. His music, his legacy and the personality he had ; the one that said "Hay, Im John, I dont care what you think about me because everyone looks the same inside, even rockstars, treat me like you would treat others" His killer (someone i have no intention of saying his name) was a devious, evil, evil EVIL, man, who needs to realize that no voices could have carried anyone else to do what he did, to a person that changed my musical opinions. I see the world through different eyes, eyes that help me try to see the good before the bad, the hope before the loss, and the chance before the doubt. It;s easy, if you try. And Lennon was a true believer, in love, life, hope, peace and music. He is and will always be my hero. He was a great person. I will always save my bday and Xmas money for that 5,000 dollar autograph on ebay. Just the memories of my winning 4th grae history fair thing about the beatles, that took the prize, the posters, vinyl, and CDs. John Lennon was a true, honest caring person, that I will never forget.