So, Jeff, you're saying that you would otherwise have enjoyed Wilson Phillips--ewww. It's like liking the movie Milk Money...blech, blech, blech.
Hi, Mark! We're looking forward to seeing Kill Bill, too, even though I'm a total wuss about ultra violence in movies. I'm getting over it, though. I even partially open my eyes during certain graphic scenes.
Well Jeff I assume that if you're speaking of Tim as the other Wilson Phillips singer you are, of course, calling her a Nazi fat girl as we all know of Tim's disposition towards the facist regime.
Hey Patty, Hope you and Jodi are well, and the Raku pot looks great in our apartment.
By the way Quentin, has another movie slated for 2004. A World War II flick called "Inglorius *******s" I am so psyched that he is back.
Also, very little comment on the Vol I and II break. Opinions?
Of course I like Wilson Phillips. Those two girls are smokin' hot.
I don't mind a movie being released in two volumes, but with Kill Bill it does concern me. From what I understand, it was originally slated as a standalone movie. The fact that the split came late in the game leads one to think that the movie may have "gotten away from" Tarantino ... that he just couldn't properly manage his vision. For a comparison, that's pretty much what happened with The Toxic Avenger Part I and II, which could have been one good movie but became two bad movies late in the process. On the other hand, if Miramax simply has a problem with releasing the movie at its proper length, I'd rather get the real deal in two parts than one truncated movie. I don't know what the real story is. But overall, I guess that I'd say Tarantino, the director, has yet to disappoint me, so I have faith.
And I LOVE the violent stuff, so I've got that going for me, too.
People whom I know that have already seen it have all said that they would have had no problem hanging in there for another hour and a half because it was really good and just moved.
I've heard reports that Quentin suggested splitting the movie, liking the idea that it would then be a serial, but I've also heard that the Miramax honchos pushed it. Either way, I hope the split works.
I'm glad you like the Raku piece, Mark! Say hi to Marcy for us...
Caught Volume 1 this weekend. What a great ride! Like a greatest hits package of exploitation movies like they don't make anymore done with a lot of affection and style. I give it two severed thumbs up. Can't wait until the next one comes out in February.