Who's spending more time in jail than Tommy Chong?
It's a trick question, the answer being nobody...
Rush Limbaugh or Tommy Chong? Bwahahahaha
Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Adelphia execs or Tommy Chong?
Bwahahahaha, again...
I could go on, but that would just further demonstrate how f***ed up this country is when we already know that. I just wanted to do a forum primal scream, and it took this form.
In the immortal words of Yakov Smirnof that I'm sure he says in the great Christmas video I haven't had a chance to watch (sorry!): "What a country."
Re: Who's spending more time in jail than Tommy Chong? Correction
Yes, I'm talking to myself, again. In my emotional state, I overstated my point. I should have said, "What famous or monied people are spending more time in jail than Tommy Chong?"
It still sucks ass. John Ashcroft's a moron and an evil troll.
Re: Re: Who's spending more time in jail than Tommy Chong? Correction
Happy holiday, Patt*** (for talking to yuorself)!
I share your sentiments. I would also warn your potter (no pun intended) husband against molding any suspiciously shaped flower vases, fearing that they too would be fair game under "Operation Pipe Dreams." And I'm still awaiting word from Ashcroft on whether or not the spice oregano will be outlawed because it looks a little bit like marijuana.
Re: Re: Re: Who's spending more time in jail than Tommy Chong? Correction
What an absolute evil idiot Ashcroft is! Ugh...
And now I'm reading Dude, Where's My Country, so I'm getting even angrier. Not that I didn't know most of what Michael Moore is writing, but seeing it all in print is almost too much to take. What a scam Bush and Co. are running.