Instead of voting for Nader this time I actually joined Move-on and "worked" a precinct from 8 AM till 3PM. This meant calling and going door to door to infrequent democrats and independents and I drove 2 people to the polls! Unfortunately my precinct was a rich "Bush precinct" so i was told i was going to hell and that i don't have any values a few times. Pretty cool, eh? Anyway i am with ya Pat! It does seem from my perspective that voter turn out is up here, many first time voters...
Jeff, thanks for the pics! Got any more "candid" shots? (Meat == dirty old man)
Meat, I am so proud of you! What a fantastic thing to have done. Wow. I really am quite impressed. With that kind of dedication, hard work, forebearance with the folks thinking you're going to hell (right back at you, folks), etc., how could things not go for Kerry?
Being in a solidly blue/Kerry/foregone-conclusion-type state can sometimes be anticlimatic, though I do not miss the political ads.
Bravissimo, Meat-issimo. You truly do rock the vote but have far better taste in music than those pimping for that particular organizing effort!