Sweet Meat will tell you that Easter Sunday is the anniversary of the date that I dragged my mother to a run-down, empty movie theatre, forcing her to accompany me to watch _Basket Case 2_ on the strong recommendation of Joe Bob Briggs. How much truth there is to that story I will not say ... but here's hoping that everyone here finds something extra special this year in their basket.
Sweet Meat will tell you that Easter Sunday is the anniversary of the date that I dragged my mother to a run-down, empty movie theatre, forcing her to accompany me to watch _Basket Case 2_ on the strong recommendation of Joe Bob Briggs. How much truth there is to that story I will not say ... but here's hoping that everyone here finds something extra special this year in their basket.
How was everyone's Easter? Mine was in my hometown and was quite nice...got to hang with la familia, particularly my wacky nieces and nephew, so it was a fun couple of days.
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Happy Easter to you, too, Jeff!
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Sweet Meat will tell you that Easter Sunday is the anniversary of the date that I dragged my mother to a run-down, empty movie theatre, forcing her to accompany me to watch _Basket Case 2_ on the strong recommendation of Joe Bob Briggs. How much truth there is to that story I will not say ... but here's hoping that everyone here finds something extra special this year in their basket.
you did not take your mother, jeff. you went by yourself to basket case 2!! i remember you told me at geneseo you went by yourself and i was horrified that a friend of mine would go to a movie like that on easter sunday.
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How was everyone's Easter? Mine was in my hometown and was quite nice...got to hang with la familia, particularly my wacky nieces and nephew, so it was a fun couple of days.
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Happy Easter to you, too, Jeff!
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Sweet Meat will tell you that Easter Sunday is the anniversary of the date that I dragged my mother to a run-down, empty movie theatre, forcing her to accompany me to watch _Basket Case 2_ on the strong recommendation of Joe Bob Briggs. How much truth there is to that story I will not say ... but here's hoping that everyone here finds something extra special this year in their basket.
Unfortunately, they've stopped making _Basket Case_ movies, so I had to find other fun things to do this Easter. Just posted a link with some highlights. Here goes:
you did not take your mother, jeff. you went by yourself to basket case 2!! i remember you told me at geneseo you went by yourself and i was horrified that a friend of mine would go to a movie like that on easter sunday.
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How was everyone's Easter? Mine was in my hometown and was quite nice...got to hang with la familia, particularly my wacky nieces and nephew, so it was a fun couple of days.
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Happy Easter to you, too, Jeff!
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Replying to:
Sweet Meat will tell you that Easter Sunday is the anniversary of the date that I dragged my mother to a run-down, empty movie theatre, forcing her to accompany me to watch _Basket Case 2_ on the strong recommendation of Joe Bob Briggs. How much truth there is to that story I will not say ... but here's hoping that everyone here finds something extra special this year in their basket.