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Super Wimp

A little bit of west coast drizzle - well more like a monsoon downpour really - and Super Wimp Vince did a full scale refusal to leave the car for his walk, even though he was fully dressed for inclement weather.

Ohhhhh no. Our hero got both front paws onto the bumper, sniffed the air, felt a few drops of rain bounce of his head and applied the brakes before retreating as far inside the Disco as he could and promptly sitting on his lead.

Freya in the meantime never even bothered getting up from her duvet and just turned her head to look at Vince using the excuse that if she can't see us, we can't see her.

Looks like we'll be shovelling them outside later on for the loo, cos there is no way they are going on their own free will.

Re: Super Wimp

Them guys ain't daft.

Re: Super Wimp

Ace is just the same. Goes to the back door and if its a bit wet he just goes back to bed. Great aren't they. Such big wimps!!

Re: Super Wimp

haha, got 2 who are exactly the same - think they look out the window (from the comfort of our bed) and the slightest drop then they are not interested in moving

Re: Super Wimp

Yup Bambi looks at me accusingly when we get to the close door and she finds its matter what rainwear she is sporting! We have had several debates the 2 of us regarding the merit of refusing to do any kind of business due to rain and that walking slowley doesnt make u get less wet!!lol Also I have raised the issue with Miss Bambi that I also am not a great fan of walking in the rain but needs must!!lol Why is it too that once we do get back in the house once she has condecended to "do" something that it is her that gets the big fluffy towel first???Yeh thats right cos she wouldnt have it any other way!!lol Gotta luv them!!lol x

Re: Super Wimp

He's not as bad as Freya.
When she sees us comming towards her with her coat, she plonks down at the radiator and refuses to move.

That's my girl!

Re: Super Wimp

Yogi hates the rain and the cold sometimes he just decides he wants to lie in no matter what the weather, just refuses to even come down the stairs lol.
unless of course the the biscuit word is said in which case he comes as far as the kitchen then back to bed ha ha.