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My dog has been commenced on Epiphen after having a massive seizure in October. It was touch and go for a few days but the care given by the vet pulled him through.(Though about collapsed myself when I received the bill!)

Brogan now has shoogly back legs. Is this a side effect of the medication and, if so, will it ease off? It may be a result of the seizure but without taking him off medication I can't be sure.

Is it ok to leave him alone with the other dogs? We haven't so far as I worry they will attack him if he fits again.

Any advice will be welcome

Re: Seizures

Hi Liz,

These are important questions and you really should address them to your vet, I don't think ordinary people like us are qualified to answer them. I am sure that your vet wouldn't charge you again just for asking him relevant questions.

Very best wishes

Re: Seizures

Hi Liz,

I agree with John - your best bet is to ask the vet for his advice. Having said that you may find this useful background reading. It does say that one side effect can be mild wobbliness in the back legs.

I hope this helps, and that Brogan's epilepsy remains manageable

Re: Seizures

Hi Liz,

My lad suffered seizures for 18 months, I would be happy to talk to you about our experience. I obviously wouldn't be able to give professional advice, that's up to your vet. I remember when it happened wishing that I had someone to talk to who had been through the same thing. Please feel free to email me and I will give you my telephone number.
