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greyhound off the lead

i cant believe so much of everyones time has been wasted on arguing over this, its pathetic! get over it, the dogs gone now, nothing can be changed!
Paula really has nothing to do with it, none of this is her fault, nothing she could of or did do can be changed! i think everyone is entitled to their opinion but it doesnt have to be as agressive and vicious as some of the posts i have read! and before anyone starts quoting my post or analysing it then forget it, i am done with this site!

Re: greyhound off the lead

as you quoted everyone has an opinion, and freedom of speech is a wonderful thing - people were only venting there frustrations (and to be honest felt the same way).

Just hope the lesson has been learned.

and bye bye

Re: greyhound off the lead

Hmn now why after about a week of quiet has this been brought to a head again ...makes me wonder is someone does NOT want it dropped!!!

Re: greyhound off the lead

Hi Racheal,
If you wanted it stopped why did you come on again?
If you are finished with the site why did you come in under another name - Joy?
Grow up and get yourself a life. We can see through you like a glass window.