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Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!

We took our Greyhound Ace over to Kintyre on Saturday. We had my sister and her husband up for the weekend and went over to Tarbert for the day to do some fishing.

I was really surprised with Ace's reaction. He was fine until somebody landed a fish.

The fish was flapping about on the wooden jetty and Ace went mad. He squealed like a pig and did everything possible to get off the lead.

He has this reaction when he see's a cat - but a fish!!!

Just wondered if anyone else had experienced this!!

Oh and we were also approached by a spanish man who was insistent that he wanted to pay good money for the greyhound. I of course refused but he was really pushy. I also heard from a friend that somoeone in Portsmouth had the same kind of experience and the spanish person in question even tried to snatch the greyhound off her.

So just be careful folks.

Karen, Pat and Ace

Re: Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!

I thought I was bad off with Finn's prey drive but he has never tried to chase a fish!! Mind you, he has never had the chance so you never know!

You must've got a bit of a scare with the Spanish lad - give Ace a hug from me and tell him his cousin Finn was asking after him (and he's impressed with Ace's dedication to the chase)!

Re: Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!

There's something very fishy about this story.
Celia and Jimmy.

Re: Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!

Mmm I dunno what Bambi would think of fish...4 legged things are for chasing and shouting at, 2 legged are for cuddling and ignoring (thats the birds by the way dont think she has ever ignored a human!!lol) but a fish has no legs...makes me wonder lol

As for the spanish man thing that is pretty weird sounding don't like the sound of that at all.

Re: Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!

The Spanish man may not have had an ulterior motive. They are much more direct/pushy kinda folk in general (I know, I grew up there!). Sometimes they say/do things in other countries that would not cause offence in Spain without realising other folk feel differently.

Re: Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!


I have a video of Ace chasing Seagulls down the beach where he runs about 100 yards into the water then I think he realises its getting a bit too deep for

Re: Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!

Ahh! So thats where he gets his thing about seagulls from then. LOL. Would love to see that.
I cant believe we have had him over a year now. He has certainly settled in very well, though I think sometimes he thinks he is in charge!!

Karen and Pat

Re: Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!


Can you fire me an email please, I have lost your email address.

Going back to the post about the Spanish man I have just read a horrendous story on another website that would bring a tear to your eye. I'm not saying they are all bad to Greys but I got my eyes opened with the story.

Re: Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!

Be very wary re the spaniard - there are many areas of spain where it is unsafe to walk a greyhound because of the risk of it being grabbed from you. Or the hunters will follow you home to snatch the dog at a later date. Even the rescue organisations frequently get broken into and the rescue dogs are stolen to be re-used as hunting dogs, once they've been patched up and fed by the rescues. There is always great pressure in july/aug to get as many galgos homed as possible, mostly outwith spain, becuase the risk of theft is so great. Many of the rescues are in fact little more than muddy hovels, outwith municipal areas so security is poor. Of course they meet the same fate as all other galgos at the end of the four-month hunting season - the 'piano'. Dogs that have performed well and pleased their hunters are hung with their feet off the ground so death is quick. The rest are left to 'play the piano' (feet just barely touching the ground) for however long it takes, with the wire gradually eating into the neck. Greyhound thefts are very common even in the uk and greyhounds should never be left unattended, even in your garden.
Spare a thought occasionally for the galgos as well as our own hounds -the Greyhounds In Need petition comes round every march towards the end of the hunting season when the greyhoundd holocaust begins - around 50,000 galgos slaughtered by the foulest means every Spring.

Re: Our greyhound chases Mackerel!!!

The meeting with the spaniard was weeks ago and over at Inverary - not around Dundee.

But I always take care when he is out walking with me. We live inside an MOD establishment with high security fencing so no chance of him being nabbed from the garden.

But it is something that greyhound owners need to be aware of. I have heard a few stories of owners who have had someone trying to grab thier dogs.

As for the Galgos - makes me feel sick that a human could do that to anything!!
