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2011 Homeless Hounds & Dog Show Calendar

My Homeless Hounds & Dog Show calendar 2011 is now available for you to download and print off. This Year I have included an update from last years Homeless Hounds calendar and included pictures from our 2010 GRF Dog Show.
I have dedicated the front cover page to FRITZ, Celia and Jimmy's handsome big boy that sadly past over the Bridge in August 2010. Rest in Peace Big Guy.

The picture below shows the cover page. Please click on the link below to view and download it.(The file is 7MB therefore it may take a some time to download to your computer, depending on your internet speed.

Please Click Hear To Download Your 2011 Homeless Hounds & Dog Show Calendar

If you would like to make any donation to GRF for the calendar that would be wonderful. Donations can be made clicking "will you help us" and click on the Paypal Donate button and enter an amount and calendar donation in the description.

Thank you on behalf of all the Homeless Hounds at Baltree Kennels

George, Morag, Billy & Lassie

Re: 2011 Homeless Hounds & Dog Show Calendar

Good one George and great tribute to Fritzie!


Re: 2011 Homeless Hounds & Dog Show Calendar

A great calendar George and thank you for remembering dear old Fritz.
Celia and Jimmy.

Re: 2011 Homeless Hounds & Dog Show Calendar

RIP Fritz xxxxx