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Dog show Housekeeping information

Not long until the show and I just thought I would just give some “housekeeping” rules for the day which will ensure that everybody has an enjoyable time. Especially for those of you who may be coming along to your first show.

First of all the full details can be found on the link to the left

· There will be a lot of dogs at the show not all greyhounds thus everybody is responsible for their dogs behaviour, thus if you feel it maybe safer to muzzle your dog then please do so.

· Also remember to clear up after your dog i.e. scoop the poop !!

· It is a working farm we are hosting the show at so please stick to the designated areas we have agreed with the manager.

· We do however, have the use of the adjacent field to walk our dogs, if anybody would like to take time out from the show please feel free to use

· We will have refreshments at the show with tea/coffee and filled rolls (also home baking), parking, toilet facilities and a selection of commercial companies and GRF will be there to promote some of their wares (see Helen and Dave post)

· The commercial companies help us out financially with the show and it would be good if everybody could maybe spend some time going around the stalls and seeing what each has to offer. There is no hard sale and they won’t bite !!!! (maybe the dogs will !!) – Be careful around the pet food stalls as dogs don’t realise that you should pay for stuff you feel like eating :0)

· For those of you who have bought advanced tickets thank you very much and you will be entered into our free prize draw, please make sure you put your contact details on back of ticket before arriving as this will save time at the front door.

· We also just take registration for each class as it comes up i.e. cannot do advanced booking for a class later on and it is £1 per dog for each class.
· Door open at 11:00 on Sunday with registration for the Best Junior handler taking place at 11:30.

· The show aims to raise awareness of the plight of the greyhound and show what excellent pets they can make but also we are looking to raise as much money as possible for our kennels so remember to bring your wallets :0)

I think that is all, but if you have any questions then do not hesitate to get in touch