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Hi everyone - Lucy(previously known as Fern) has really settled into her new home with us. Her own personality is really starting to shine and she is a joy to have.
She loves to have her head & ears rubbed and grunts with pleasure when you hit just the right spot. She loves running along the beach after the seagulls and chasing the squirrel who visits our back garden! She actually stands at the door asking to get out to chase him!! She also found a wee hedgehog hiding under next door's hedge last week and tossed him in the air before being asked to leave him be. Good girl left him alone for Dad to rescue.
We took her to get dressed last week and although she was a bit sore and unhappy for a day or two she is back to her normal self.
She has a mad 5 minutes when Dad comes through at 5.30am to take her for a walk before he goes to work (thats dedication - Mum is still getting her beauty sleep)and another mad 5 minutes before her afternoon and evening walk. The rest of the time she loves to chill.
We took her to meet my nephew(3),niece(5 mths)& their scatty dog. We were a bit nervous and had her on the lead and muzzled but she was very good. Allowed the 3 year old to play gently, ignored the baby and the dogs ran around the garden like a Tom & Jerry cartoon. It was sooo funny to watch as we had never seen her off the lead and free to interact with another dog like that.
I hope you will be pleased to know that Lucy is well and we are all enjoying living together after her rehoming.
Thanks again Trish x

Re: Lucy

Great to hear Lucy's settling in. It's so rewarding to see their personalities develop.

Re: Lucy

Always good to read about a "lucky one" settling into thier forever home. Best & most rewarding thing I have ever done is let Maisie (page 15) adopt me. I still see her confidence grow & cheeky character develop even after (almost) 4 years

Re: Lucy

Well, Lucy has finally caught that squirrel in the back garden!
John was up a ladder at the side of the house when he heard her tearing round the garden. The squirrel ran round the corner of the house(up the wall towards him), spotted him and then dropped to the floor. Lucy didn't miss her chance and ran off with the squirrel's tail hanging out her mouth!!
It squealed, and she dropped it, before picking it up again and then playing with it in her front paws. It managed to escape in the bushes and we cant find it, so guess it must have limped off somewhere.
We have had a good look at her and cant find any bites or scratches on her and she has been searching in the buses where she last saw it.
John says the whole thing chase must have lasted about 30 seconds and I am sorry I missed it all!!
Would have loved to see her ''in action'' lol.
Wonder if the squirrel will think twice about teasing her from the fence in the future??

Re: Lucy

I suppose there will be no teasing in the future...
The squirrel might have died after getting injured...