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A Pound for a Hound!

Following on from Bert's request for beds for the newbees, and donating a little to help, I thought it would be a good idea to head to work tomorrow (Am expected, so I guess - I had better be there!! ) Along with doing my employment activities - I am going to do something a wee bit different for a change and ask folk for a "£1 for the hounds" This should hopefully help towards a couple more Oval beds - and IF I get a bit extra (here's hoping!) then the remaining cash can go to anything else that the newbees need...

I have posted this simply because I thought it may be a good idea for others to do - should they be heading to work tomorrow?!

"A Pound for a Hound" on a Monday - or any other day or the week?!! us all something to look forward too..and hopefully a good outcome at the end of it.

Eliza x