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"It's OK, don't worry!"


A mad woman with half a dozen out of control dogs allows said dogs to charge at me with Kell and Lucy, and shouts out "It's OK, don't worry!". Well, Kell and Lucy had other ideas and were more than happy to tell the first of the incoming barking horde that it was NOT OK. "Oh dear, that got them told off hahahaha" was the stupid woman's response. Aye, no bother, I don't mind having my arms wrenched out of their sockets......

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

I sympathise totally with you. I too often meet these people with the out of control dogs, may I add that these dogs are usually the small furry ones that my 2 Greys would love nothing more than to chase and chomp. Personally I dont blame the dogs but their owners....
Oh and one other thing while im on my soapbox, while I like most other owners of Greys have them muzzled and on a lead these carefree owners think nothing of letting their ankle biters roam free whilst not muzzled.

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

My all time favourite is 'Oh! he/she only wants to play'. Yeah right! Meanwhile I'm dealing with two whirling dervishes who are doing their upmost to tie me in knots while keeping an eye on said mutt. Breeze doesn't suffer these 'playful' dogs for long and they usually get an emphatic 'mind your manners' snarl. Blake on the other hand waits until they get too close and a swift smack on the head with his muzzle does the trick. I refuse to apologise when the mutt lets out a yelp and scuttles off.

And don't get me started on dog owners who don't pick up their dog poop - and as for the ones who do put it in a bag and then leave it or chuck it in the bushes .........

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

I know just what you mean, but I guess that's the price we pay for loving greyhounds. We have to make allowances for dogs who have had most of their natural instincts bred out of them, and owners who never give it a thought - until something 'bad' happens!
I absolutely agree about dog poo offenders, Louise. I'm fastidious about picking up and of course the hounds help out by being partial to rabbit droppings and the occasional cowpat!

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Yup Ill join in this rant the call of "Its ok he/she will not touch you" doesnt help me much either as Bambi doesnt understand and doesnt care!!!lol Do they not understand why I have my greyhound muzzled??? I think we need to go back to the plan of having t shirts printed (please excuse me for anyone of a non swearing disposition!!) with "GET UR DOG ON A ****** LEAD!!!!!" on them (I think bright pink t shirts with black sparkly writing would be best but id be willing to compromise on that!!lol)Of course this is only my x

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Totally agree Steve.

The "they only wanna play" cry means something completely different to our crew! While the cute furries off the lead maybe wanna play our lot are thinking how much of a mash em up/smackdown they can perform.

We were waiting for the ferry to Iona recently and were chatting to other people also waiting.Our 4 hounds were a resounding success graciously accepting all attention.But one lady politely enquired if we were taking them across to Iona to let them run free----YEH RIGHT!!!!! I couldn't resist answering that since they were rescued dogs they were in need of a bit of culture and we were out for a history lesson ( not to terrorise the numerous loose chickens, sheep and assorted tourists on the island!)The way she nodded and smiled I think she believed me!!!

Incidentally we were bitten to death by midges on Mull but so were our hounds.................didn't know that they would be midge fodder too!

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Hope you all dont mind if I have a wee rant-met a man with an out of control wee springer spaniel along Torryburn front today-not for the first time-and his wee dog was running rings round Archie and Sweetie who were on a lead and Archie had his muzzle on.I shouted at him to keep his dog under control-he was a long way off.When we eventually passed him he started to rant saying I shouldnt be walking dangerous dogs in public!!You can imagine my reaction-then I was told that he lives here and his dog is friendly so he can do what he wants!Archie was getting agitated so I started to walk away after a few words about bad dog owners.Anyone else had this bother? I thought my Greys behaved impeccably.

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Hi Heather,
Understand completely, springers are lovely but they can be so skittish, they're almost bound to set greyhounds off.
I have fun with my four - Kim is a perfect gent with other dogs but is liable to ransack campsites and steal food from picnickers. Lurcher Dylan is blind and growls (BIG saluki growl) at any dog whose scent he doesn't recognise, which sets off my two chasers, Bryn and Foxy. In fairness, this intimidates most dogs before they get too close for comfort but it doesn't exactly make for relaxed walking. Roll on winter when the beach is ours again!

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

I'll second that "roll on winter till the beach is ours" comment!!! Any hint of sunshine down here and all around my house is filled with silly running furry things!!! Reclaim the beaches!!!lol x

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Well when it is wintry up there you start to miss summery weather People are never satisfied

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Hi Stan,
You're so right!
Unfortunately, we haven't had much summery weather here so far this year, (witness Sunday's GRF walk) so that's just another thing to complain about - we thrive on it, you know !

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Do you let your greys off on the beach?I would love to but afraid Sweetie wouldnt come back

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Hi Marion,
Summers are usually very warm in Poland (at times hot). This year's has been very capricious, variable. My family and friends have kept complaining about it. I think it is a global thing this year. Maybe next year we will get nice, summery weather everywhere

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Jees no i dont let Bambi off on the beach i would never see her again!!!lol We just like it down the beach when there r not nearly so many (and preferably none!!) running fluffy things!!lol
As an aside, my Bambi managed to make a complete fool of herself this morning and fall backwards of the pavement at the esplanade into the sand...what a fright both of us got!! She obviously hadnt realised how close she was to the edge and stepped back and down she went!! Happily we got away with just one wee graze on her leg and no other injuries for either of us!! She still amazes me with her clumsiness at times!!

Re: "It's OK, don't worry!"

Poor Bambi, I bet her pride was hurt more than anything else - you'll have to keep her off the Babycham, Joan!