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Dry Eye in Greyhounds

I adopted Amy back in March 2008 from Celia & Jimmy, she was 20 mths old at the time. Last summer she began to have a recurring ulcer problem in her eyes, she was constantly receiving treatment from the vet. Over the winter months we had no problems what so ever. Then this year when the good weather reappeared at the beginning of May the problem came back. This has now been diagnosed as DRY EYE and is now receiving Optimmune twice a day in each eye. I've been told by the vet that greys are not a breed predisposed to suffer from this condition and I was wondering if any one has experienced this condition with their greys? I know that Amy's litter mates were also rehomed by Celia & Jimmy and two of them were called Duke (who came best in show in 2008) & Megan. I was also wondering if perhaps they also have this condition? Is anybody able to help me?

Re: Dry Eye in Greyhounds

Could it be an allergy type reaction to grass pollen or something similar? Would be interesting to see if oral antihistamines gave an improvement.

Re: Dry Eye in Greyhounds

Hi Evelyn,

Our little girl, Nikki, has a condition called Pannus which affects her eyes and she too gets optimmune everyday. Nikki also gets ulcers in her eyes, inflammation and a cloudy greyness (similar to cataracts). I beleive Pannus isnt a common Greyhound condition and it is more common in German Shepards. Some days Nikkis eyes look fine and others they look so red and sore but it never seems to bother her. She doesnt appear to be in pain, infact the worst bit is when she gets her ointment in, she does everything to rub it out again - my walls, carpet and bedding is constantly having to be washed as she rubs her face all over them!!! She now does a runner when i bring out the tube of cream!!

I hope Amy gets better with the use of optimmune, it certainly helps our Nikki.

Laura x

Re: Dry Eye in Greyhounds

Hi Laura

Thanks for this, I'll mention it to my vet on our next checkup. The optimmune is definately working as her eyes have returned back to normal although this has taken a couple of months.

I don't have the same problem with giving her her cream though. Amy sees me going for the cream & just lies down, I have to lift her head up off the floor then as long as she gets a treat (preferably a nice big pigs ear) immediately after, she just trots off to her bed to guzzle it down, forgeting about the cream in her eyes.

My other grey, Adam, is also on a win win thing with Amy having to have the cream cause he too now gets extra treats. Can't give to one without the other!! lol.


Re: Dry Eye in Greyhounds

Glad to hear that the optimmune is working for Amy! It works well for Nikki as well, unrortunately, Nikki will have the pannus for the rest of her life so we have to continue with the ointment every day.

We have been advised by the vets not to use it continually and on the days when her eyes look better just to leave them alone.

We call Nikki 'the witch'(affectinately of course!) as she is extremely mischevious and devious!! She comes across all innocent and cuddly until you find her doing something naughty!! Hence why she will stand there like a princess getting the cream in then dash off to rub it everywhere!!

My 2 are like chalk and cheese, Yogi is so laid back and nothing bothers him while we have to always keep one eye on Nikki!!

I hope Amy's dry eye clears up.
