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Kerry and Zippy's Big Day Out

The Lochore Meadow's excursion was a first time for Kerry and Zippy and me.
Considering that this was their first adventure into the world in the company of lots of other greyhounds, I am pleased to report a completely peaceful and enjoyable walk. Definitely their most exciting moment was watching the whippets get out of their car - they were both very attentive but there was not a bark, not a lunge, not a spin and no attempt to move forward to investigate further.
We passed several dogs at close quarters including a Jack Russell and a bulldog and all were given no more that a passing glance. We walked at the back of the pack, in the middle and at the front - it did not matter to Kerry and Zippy. We also stood at one of the gates and watched everyone else walk through - no problem.
Although there was some pulling for the first ten minutes or so, Zippy soon settled into his regular lope. Kerry took a little longer - as I expected!
I would like to thank everyone who helped me get them out of and into my car thus ensuring they returned to the kennels with eight legs and two tails!!
Despite the steady drizzle we had a lovely day and look forward to the next event in Kirkcaldy on 4th September.

Re: Kerry and Zippy's Big Day Out

You are more than welcome Jess.

Glad they had a good walk

Kaz & Pat Brundell and Ace

(We were parked next to you and Pat helped you with the greys!!)