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Thanks to volunteers.

On Thursday we had a mixed group of volunteers from firms who came to use their one volunteering day per annum to help our dogs. They gave us great assistance and we thank them for helping us, and we thank their employers who allowed them to come.
The photo shows Douglas Stewart from Lloyds Banking Group, Kimberley Steedman and Sheena Morrison from Pets at Home Pentland store, and Susan Pearson, our GRF volunteer with Celia, Jimmy and some of the " inmates ".


Re: Thanks to volunteers.

I think its brilliant that employers allow their staff to do something like this and well done to the volunteers for taking up the opportunity! We were talking about this at my work and a lot of staff were saying that the opportunity to volunteer for a day would be great and would also be great for staff motivation levels...gonna see what I can do to persuade the bosses...!! x