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St. Andrews University Help.

GRF had a group of volunteers who visited our kennels from St Andrews University. They gave us excellent assistance, which we appreciated very much. To make things even better, great friendships were formed and they have agreed to return every month to help.

The picture shows the group, Kirsty Paton, Aida Sincheva, Isla Burns,Claire Stewart and Russell Murdoch, with Celia and Jimmy.

St Andrews University help

Re: St. Andrews University Help.

Fantastic response from my old university - you'll soon get those designer purple Hunter wellies worn in!
Great opportunity to boost the RBS voting big time too?!
It's longer ago than I care to remember that I graduated from St Andrews but it's definitely the best Uni in the land - well done guys

Re: St. Andrews University Help.

St. Andrew's is probably one of the oldest universities in Europe like Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.