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Your planning consent denied

Hi Celia, Jimmy and all GRF supporters.

It’s diane here from GAGAH, hope you don’t mind me posting but james shand has just posted a copy of a news article relating to you guys not getting planning permission for a house beside your kennels.

I was just so angry when I read it, how can they even begin to justify this. When you think of the millions spent on their fancy conferences, the MILLIONS wasted on the Edinburgh holy rood fiasco, the illegal expense claims etc… the list is endless.

What you guys are doing is providing a community service as well as a animal welfare service. When you think of all the dogs you have saved it just makes you want to scream at these narrow-minded, self-serving idiots.

Do you know anyone who could help you go national with this story, or at least get the regional news onto it. What about possibly contacting Annette Crosby and your supporter JK Rowling and go in with as much fight as you can get.

I am gutted for you guys and for the thousands more dogs this could help if they overturned their decision.

Best of luck.

Re: Your planning consent denied

Hi Diane,
Thank you for your kind words.
The planners have been tough on us, so, now were going to get tough on them.
Best wishes to all our friends at GAGAH.