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The Kennels Christmas Party.

Well, that is Christmas gone again. We hope that you all had a great Christmas. We had our party in the kennels, as usual and once again Elaine and Derek served us up a meal fit for a king. Nobody left Baltree hungry. Even Jimmy, famous for appetite and fat stomach, didn't eat for the rest of Christmas day. Thank you Elaine and Derek, you did us proud.
We drew the winning ticket for the Christmas hamper and it was won by Bert McCurdy. We couldn't think of anyone who deserved it more. He even gave us back the bottles of wine for a future raffle.
Averil Blair also had a raffle at her work - the Care Inspectorate and gave us £129 . Thank you Averil and all at the Care Inspectorate.
Thanks to all on Christmas day who helped get us through all the work and made our party so enjoyable.
It only remains for me to wish you all a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Celia and Jimmy and the dogs.