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Joey and Sue

Well - I promised Celia I'd post - so here goes.
It's 2 weeks since Joey and Sue turned our lives upside down (but in a good way).
Firstly - what a saleswoman Celia is. We came over looking for a (as in one)dog, and ended up leaving with two!
They have settled in really well, and they're every bit as much fun as Celia and Jimmy said they'd be. They've been smashing out on the lead (apart from when a cat ran out right in front of them - but I wouldn't blame them for reacting when a daft cat runs out 6 foot in front of them!! . The leads, and my shoulder got a bit of a strength test there - but no harm done).
They're getting on pretty well with the house training too. Plenty of praise and a biscuit or two works wonders, it would seem. We appear to have wasted our money buying beds for them - they've just taken over the couches. They even let us sit next to them if they want a cuddle (which is quite often ).

So - thanks for letting us give Joey and Sue a home. so far so good - they're absolutely fantastic, and I don't know why we didn't do this years ago.

Re: Joey and Sue

Hi Norman,

Glad Joey & Sue are settling in so well

We have had Bootsie since a year past January and, like you, we wonder why we didn't do it years ago!

Celia is a wonderful saleswoman but, I think she is right - getting two at the same time is the best thing to do. We tried to introduce a bitch about 3 months after we got Bootsie, but he did not appreciate it unfortunately. That having been said, most dogs would be fine .... Jennifer Bruce got Wisp after Eddie, and they just love each other Indeed, two dogs are great company for each other, particularly when you have to leave them!

Wishing you all many years of happiness together,
Susan x

Re: Joey and Sue

Glad to know Joey and Sue are settling in well. When I come as a volunteer to help walk and feed the dogs, I always take care of the dogs in the outside kennel where Joey and Sue were. These two were just adorable. Joey had a very appealing face and Sue was so cuddly. It's great to know that they have settled in well to their forever home. Give them a big pat from "Auntie Sheila".

Re: Joey and Sue

Thanks for the nice thoughts. We definately have mixed feelings about having taken them away from such lovely people - because we know that we've taken 2 great animals away - but I'm sorry, we are having so much fun with them. I guess we hope that if they're having a nice time that's sufficient compensation for anyone that misses them.
We promise that they're not ever going to go short on cuddles!!

Re: Joey and Sue

Hi Norman,
It's great to know that they are getting on fine. Thank you for posting on our forum.
Thank you for keeping the two of them together and taking them into your home.
Please give them some more cuddles from us.
Celia and Jimmy.

Re: Joey and Sue

Hi Norman,
Two are much better to have especially when it comes to separation anxiety! Eddie wrecked my house if I even left him to shower so I got Wisp as a pal and they wouldn't be without each other now!

Glad sue and joey are bringing you happiness they can be funny to watch at time.

Celia (and jimmy) are very persuasive when it comes to taking two but Celia is usually (always) right.

Hope you are enjoying having them :-)

Jen Eddie and Wisp

P.S you have wasted money on a bed... I've found over time I've been relegated to the small sofa while my two lay quiet the thing on the 3 seater!

Re: Joey and Sue

I hope it's OK to hijack an older thread. 2 weeks has turned into 2 months with Joey and Sue now, so I thought I'd provide another update. Joey and Sue are settling in quite well, I think. Their personalites are coming through a bit more now they're settled. Sue is as daft as a brush, Joey is a bit more reserved.

We appear to have fitted into their routine quite nicely. They take one of us (usually me) for a walk first thing in the morning, and they get another one around 4-5 o'clock. We have stopped putting their muzzles on, and they've been really good. The muzzles are still handy for vet visits though. We've had quite a few slightly longer walks with them, mostly in local parks, and they've continued to be absolutely fantastic, despite some often unreasonable provocation.

I'm going to have a short rant here. Why can't eejits with Jack Russells take the hint when you tell them that Greyhounds think anything small and furry is prey? Some clown even unclipped her terrier right in front of them. The ill tempered wee so and so ran round and round Joey and Sue, yapping at them. No harm done though, aside from the strain on the leads! I'm sure that if either of them had grabbed the terrier they (and I) would have got in trouble, when in reality it's the buffoon who let the terrier loose who's at fault. Still, all part of life's rich tapestry etc..... (rant finished).

The toilet training has gone really well - praise and biscuits is definately the way ahead. We did have a small problem with Joey and the old duvet. They normally recline gracefully on the couches, but we have 2 dog beds that they can use if they want some chill out on their own time. We had been swapping the beds for an old duvet whenever we washed the covers - but every time we did, Joey weed on it - even when we disguised it in a cover. We've taken the hint, and ditched it!

They're gradually lightening up a little bit, and are starting to play more. Sue has taken to it really well, but Joey is still a little uncertain about playing. I guess it's something they need to learn. They haven't been too destructive, but we learned very quickly to remove temptation. So far it's just the cable TV remote, a telephone and one pair of trainers that have felt the wrath of the hounds. They do possess a remarkable talent for destroying whatever dog toys we bring home - sometimes, within half an hour. :)

They're also taking to the car a bit better. Again, Sue is absolutley no bother, but Joey is a little bit reluctant. He's fine when he's actually in the car, it's just getting him there that's occasionally a challenge.

They allow us to sit on the couches with them at night too. It's absolutely fantastic just to chill out with the dogs snuggled up either side of you.

So - once again - thanks to Celia and Jimmy for letting us look after these two wonderful animals. I know its only been 2 months, but I can't imagine being without them!


Re: Joey and Sue

That's great news Norman.
Thanks for the nice update.
We always love to hear how our dogs are getting on.
Jimmy and Celia.

Re: Joey and Sue

If I were in your shoes I would start to put their muzzles back on when walking them...That is not going to be a Jack Russel's owner to be blamed if something bad happens...Just as a means of precaution...Why temp fate?

Re: Joey and Sue

We keep the muzzles handy if we're in a park. Like you said, no use tempting fate.

I don't in any way blame the wee dog - just the owner. I'm amazed that when you warn someone that Greyhounds aren't really comfortable with small animals, they still let their animal off the lead to go investigate! I mean, I wouldn't climb into a Lion's cage for a closer look.