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March's newsletter is now on the website, together with a poster for the dog show ~ please print this out, and put it up anywhere you can !!!!



Brilliant newsletter Susan. Thank you.

You asked for issues we'd like covered in the Vet's Corner section. I'd love advice on dental care - including the best tooth paste and techniques to use for brushing where dogs are reluctant for this to be done. Ash just screams when I approach her. I've tried a brush, a wet face cloth etc and lots of treats as rewards. I've also tried to build up to brushing very slowly, over weeks, all with no success.

I've been using Dentisept on Ash and Sammy2's teeth every night for over a year. Despite this, Sam had to have 10 teeth removed yesterday!!! I'm still in shock over this and feel like I've failed him. We also tried the Plague gel that was recommended on the forum a few months ago. I stopped using this because I felt it was making their gums red.

Sorry for the big moan. Any advice would be very much appreciated.


Thank you Agnes!

Consider it done - the next issue will look at dental care.

Please do not feel as if YOU have failed Sam - his trainer / previous owner failed him by giving him rubbish to eat, and not looking after his teeth.

Some greyhounds have better care, and therefore better teeth - we were very lucky with Bootsie. We are also lucky in that, whilst it's not his favourite thing, he does let us brush his teeth. We find that if we do it together, ie. me holding his mouth open and Mo doing the brushing, it is easier. Also, we use a little finger-brush, which we find good.

Big hugs for Sam,
Susan x


Hi Agnes,
Brushing is great for maintenance of teeth & gums but, once calcified plaque has formed, brushing alone won't fix it. My hounds have their teeth brushed every day and I use a small amount of kid's toothpaste, which doesn't foam as much as adult toothpaste. They're fine with it and it helps with breath freshness too. I know all the stuff about having to use a special dog product, and I'm sure I'll be shot down in flames, but I find that little and often is just fine. Bryn had to have his teeth scaled, and a few extractions, when I adopted him 4 years ago but he's been fine since.
There's also the issue with bones, which are great for cleaning off plaque but some vets are dead against them in case splinters rupture the gut lining. They're fine for dogs who gnaw away quietly over time but greyhounds have very strong jaws and may crunch them up more quickly so there is a risk of damage to the gut or constipation.
Hide chews are a useful alternative but hounds can be impatient and swallow quite large bits before they are properly chewed. Different sizes suit different dogs and I use them regularly to prevent plaque build-up.
I believe plaque gel can be effective but I have no personal experience of it and prefer physical removal with chews, which also serves to exercise the jaws and gives the dogs some pleasure.
Finally, greyhounds are like people, some have strong teeth and some don't. Dogs with very narrow jaws and crowded teeth seem to have more problems than those with wider jaws and better spaced teeth.
I'm sure Susan will have more pearls of wisdom in her next newsletter, and thanks Susan for the very excellent March 2013 edition


Thanks Susan and Marion. I really appreciate the advice. I've ordered little finger brushes for Ash and Sammy. His teeth are gleaming at the moment and I'd love to keep them like that.



7) Any funny hound stories?
Loads! Never a dull moment with Finn around! My favourite is the time I took him out for a walk on a nice autumn day. Suddenly serenity was shattered as Finn let out his ‘I am dead’ greyhound scream of death. I nearly had heart failure and this wee man shot round the corner shouting ‘what’s wrong, what happened’? I was mortified as I held up a leaf and explained ‘it was stuck to his foot’! I’m sure that man to this day believes I was savagely beating my dog before he appeared!

I could also relate with the....
Totally, utterly, spoiled! bit too.

Very good.


Hi Susan,
Thanks again for a most excellent and informative newsletter.
Thank you too for the kind wishes, which I greatly appreciated.