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32 teeth out poor Missy

just an update on wee Missy.
What a day yesterday, took her to vet at 9am.
Spent the whole day totally stressed and worried sick, still not recovered, nerves shot to pieces.
Anyways poor wee thing had 32 teeth removed, leaves her with 10 . The vet says i did her a favour as they more or less were falling out anyway and had roots showing, still feel like a big bad mommy tho, She was understandably a bit whiny after getting home, spaced out on painkillers, and disorientated, however she is great this morning after roaching on my bed all night . Need to go to asda for new quilt as bloody drips over where she was lying. She has managed rice and chicken and still managed to counter surf . Bob says she will manage her own food probably from tomorrow.
just wanted to post this in case anyone is worrying about having their grey done, and to say how great Bob at vetrica and his staff have been.
Will update tomorrow again as i,m sure she will be nearly back to herself.
Ps Pancho next on list but I think things will not be so drastic for him, fingers crossed.

Mary Missy and Pancho

Re: 32 teeth out poor Missy


Poor Missy, no wonder she had doggy breath Bootsie sends her BIG hugs.

You HAVE done her a favour - it is no reflection on you, as said in the Vet's Corner of this month's Newsletter (thanks for your kind comments, and sorry I upset you at work ... !!) - when we adopt a greyhound, we have no control over the state of his / her teeth.

Anyway, glad that Missy is on the mend - poor Pancho will be quaking in his paws

Would reiterate what you say about Bob & his team at Vetrica - they ARE great

Hope to see you all soon.

Susan xx

Re: 32 teeth out poor Missy

Poor thing
Hugs to her

Vet is great -going to see them today
Bolt's corn again
He loves Emma !

He might be faking it lol


Re: More praise for Emma at Vetrica

Emma is a bit of a star vet, it would seem, as all the vets at the practice I use in St Andrews have hugely admired her surgery on Jock, and said they would have been proud to have done it themselves. So Jock will go back to her if there are any further complications and we're planning a visit to Vetrica so she can see the results of her handiwork and let Jock say thank you. I shall post some pics under the wee Jock thread so you can see what a great job she did.
Best wishes to Missy, she will be so sorry for herslf, but I'm sure it won't keep her off her food for long. Bryn loved his diet of scrambled eggs or chicken & rice when he had a 'clean' and couple of teeth out just after we adopted him in 2008. It's 5 years on now and regular brushing and chews seem to keep his teeth fine.

Re: More praise for Emma at Vetrica

Thanks Marion
I cant believe the state i got myself in lol was off my food too Anyway your right she loved the chicken and rice but she is now eating normally although i do put a wee bit warm water in to just soften her kibble a wee bit.
She is like a different dog, (she must have been in pain as she always walked head down) now as i posted , she has a spring in her step.
Bob and his staff at vetrica were great and answered any questions I had , she goes back Monday and i,m certain she,l get a clean bill of health phewww.
just Pancho to go, although his teeth look not too bad so i,m expecting just a clean and maybe 1 or 2 out. but at least i know what to expect and will not worry so much.
The bill for Missy didnt hurt as much as i thought either so pleased with that.
See you at the show
Mary, Missy and pancho

Re: 32 teeth out poor Missy

Aaaw poor doggy.

When we got Alfie we got him checked over at the vet and they gave his teeth a good clean so they are nice and white now. Unfortunately one of the small ones at the front had to come out. The other small ones also look quite worn down and may need removed in future.

Good news is his breath is much better since getting the teeth done so it was worth doing. Hope Missy is recovered soon xx

Re: 32 teeth out poor Missy

yes all is well with Missy moo lol had her last checkup last night and although she still has some stitches to dissolve, it is all looking clean. and breath as fresh as a daisy, (nice kisses now)

Re: 32 teeth out poor Missy


can I just ask if you paid for the treatment or you insurance did pay. I did think that insurance doesn't pay for teeth treatment, I was talking to the vet today and he said that the extraction of the teeth can cost £800. I better start saving.

Re: 32 teeth out poor Missy

My pet insurance policy is through Tesco and doesn't cover teeth. I think that it's an exclusion for all pet insurance companies.

Re: 32 teeth out poor Missy

that's what I was thinking, really should have a look at the papers (just lazy), but just was taken back how much it can cost I did think it was a couple of 100s

Re: 32 teeth out poor Missy


Vet fees vary between practices! We would be questioning £800 quoted just for teeth extractions.

We are in Clydebank and we use a local vet Boyce and Houston we find them very good for care and price.

Billy (hound)F/B name had 8 teeth out last July the cost was £188

Our other dog Lassie (grey)F/B name had 2 teeth out in October last year the cost was£150.

A lot of the cost is for the anaesthetic ours was £65 plus other drugs for pain relief and antibiotics.

We have taken out a practice pet plan and we get a discount on some visits to the vet long with 6 monthly checks all included and flea and worming management. The plan costs us £23.50 a month for the 2 dogs.

Hope that helps a little

George, Morag

Billy and lassie

Re: 32 teeth out poor Missy

I got another quote, from Vetrica which was much more friendly and close to what I was thinking so I know where I will be taking him.