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Babe - update

Our very own poster girl from the GRF summer fete had a good report from the vet today. ( Vetrica) He was up at the kennels taking her stitches out from the skin graft that was needed to cover up the wound on her leg. A flap was taken from her chest to cover the area. She is now bandage free and still on cage rest, hopefully being fit enough for a wee walk in a week or so depending on her progress. Good news considering how the prognosis was not looking good at one point.

Thought you might like to see a piccie of how well the wound is doing. Its not too gruesome for the faint hearted.

 photo DSCF0850.jpg

Re: Babe - update

Can you fill us in on the background please? I haven't made it to the kennels in ages so I'm really out of touch. The wound looks great and really clean so Vetrica score again! Their stitches are different from most vets and I think they make more allowance for the fragility of greyhound skin so, they may not look pretty to start off, but they have a much better chance of holding the wound together.
At least the wound isn't too easy to get at - be a good Babe and leave it alone! Jock sends slobbers and says it'll be fine .

Re: Babe - update

Hi Marion
Babe got bitten just at the top of her leg by another grey, the wound ended up about 3 to 4 inches long and 2 ish inches wide, with the muscle exposed, just a bit too big for the skin to granulate in from the edges by itself. It was left for a few weeks to see how far in the wound would progress until eventually a skin graft was nescessary to close it. As you know greys dont exactly have alot of excess flesh to swing around to be used as a skin flap ( which was the worrying bit ) If the skin graft hadn't worked babe was in danger of losing her leg. So we were all really pleased to see how well it has worked.

Re: Babe - update

Thanks Ann, Jock is REALLY impressed, as it puts his injury (now shrunk to nothing) very much in the shade. Fantastic work by Vetrica yet again - grafting skin from a greyhound is the job of a master craftsman.
Be a good girl Babe and get well soon.
Marion x, Jock, Kim, Bryn, Dylan, & Foxy - Woof-woof!!!!!

Re: Babe - update

hello all
Our babe has been rehomed, hopefully her new Daddy wil pop an update on the forum to let us know how she is settling in.

Re: Babe - update

That is wonderful news - delighted to hear it, and hope to hear how she's settling in

Susan, Mo & Bootsie x

Re: Babe - update

That is great news, I was just thinking about her today and wondering how she was getting on. Hopefully we'll get an update when she's settled in.

Shevaun, Missy Eva and Rex x

Re: Babe - update

Well done Babe! I hope we hear how you get on, as you are clearly a good, brave girl and you deserve your new home very much.
Jock is delighted and says that a big heart wins over a few scars every time. Unfortunately he thinks that gives him a license to collect a few more scars - no wonder the vets love him!