Fife Greys Forum

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Hi celia its gill me and my partnef john are free sat and sunday, i have worked with animals for years, if your struggling for help drop me a wee email, we would love to help you with all the dogs, thanks gill aka girlies mum x

Re: celia

Hi Gill
Celia doesn't always look at the forum but if you and your partner would like to help with the dogs that would be great,kennel cleaning starts about 8.30 all the dogs have to be walked and then its feeding time for the dogs about 12.30 There is always plenty to do dogs need to be groomed and their bedding washed. If you are into DIY then we are trying to refurbish the kennels at the moment.So come along and join the gang and help the dogs,many hands make light work.

Re: celia

Thats fab bert dont think we would get to you for half eight we live bit away but we certainly come and lend a hand for few hours x gill

Re: celia

Hi Gill
Didn't mean for you to be there at 8.30,just saying when the kennel starts working,we are grateful for any help we can get,we have folk who can only manage 1 or 2 hours and we really appreciate any help with the dogs.