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Please look back to the thread GREYS OFF LEAD JAN. 5TH 2010. We encountered a woman who we caught posting under a false name. Shame we have to regurgitate all this but she has twice phoned my house yesterday saying things like, "quote", people I met in the woods said I was a bad dog owner and racer. Why are you blaming me for this ?
Well this was probably because we had a dog called Casper who belonged to her for rehoming five years ago and she raced him even though he was up for adoption. She was kenneling him for us until we got a home. At the time Alex and Lynne Morrison were interested in him. Dawn would have none of it because she said Casper would not like teenage boys. She then raced him and he was put to sleep on the race track. You knew we didn't allow rescue dogs to race. You tried it with Pepe and we were sympathetic, thinking that it hadn't occured to you.
Now we cannot help people remembering tragedy like that but people will, Dawn and there is nothing GRF can do about it. However, if you phone me and threaten me personally to GIVE IT UP and I MEAN IT, I will let the police listen to your two messages which I have recorded. I have nothing to give up. I have more to do with my time than talk about things that happened years ago. However, remember, you have started it.
You are actively posting on Kerry Greys site on facebook and you are saying that we make a fortune out of greyhound racing and that Celia downs greyhound racing but still takes thousands of pounds off the track. Hypocrites, but money talks and they rehomed three hounds to a family and one of the dogs almost ripped a little girls arm off. Quote, they would sell a greyhound for a fiver. They want nice land and plenty of money.
We caught you lying before. The above statements are lies too.
In answer. With 50 rescued greyhounds how could we ever make a fortune ?? We have never, as everyone knows, downed greyhound racing. Donations have been raised for the dogs, not us, by kind people at the track. There has never been a day where we rehomed three greyhounds to a family. It is hard enough to rehome one. What little girl ?? Could anyone on the planet ever imagine Celia SELLING a greyhound for a fiver ?? We HAVE nice land and money. We have two houses, a shop and 2 acres. All bought by us. GRF have their own money, as everyone knows. We bought GRF the kennels and the land.
Is this all because you met someone in the woods who did not like you Dawn??
Am I hiding, crying ? I dont think so. What is the saying ? I will see you in court Dawn. Climb down.


Well said Celia and I'm sorry you have to be subject to the likes of this


Hi Celia, I have just read the post twice and was in tears at what has been said about you. I have been at the kennels volunteering since early this year and have seen nothing but kindness and a real love of the dogs that are FORTUNATE to be looked after by you and all the other staff, volunteers etc. Whoever this person is should be ashamed of themselves!!! I was priveledged to receive one of your rescued dogs over 8 years ago and know that the process to rehome is extremely rigorous to match the correct dog and new owner and a home visit is also made to check out that this will be suitable. I have nothing but admiration for Celia, Jimmy and the rest of the people who give their time and love to these lovely dogs. Keep up the good work guys and don't let these type of people (whatever their motives) to stop your fantastic work.


Dawn, you should be completely disgusted with yourself. How dare you threaten the kennels. HOW DARE YOU. I'm finding it hard to put this into words.

Let me remind you we know exactly who you are. Being a computer man myself, I know your PC can be traced with ease and all your disgusting posts on facebook and so on can be traced straight back your home (Which, of course can be used as evidence in court)

Please, I would love to see your evidence that GRF races dogs. I would love to see your evidence that GRF makes a fortune from racing dogs. The kind people at Thornton race track held a charity event in which some money raised was given to the kennel as a DONTAION.

In case you were wondering, my name is Sean. I am one of the full time staff members at GRF, I am there 6 days a week working with the hounds alongside Jimmy an Celia. I see what they do, what they sacrifice, for the greyhounds every single day.

I know them very well and I can say with confidence they are the kindest and most unselfish people I have ever had the pleasure to know. They should be enjoying retirement, instead they work 7 days from dawn till dusk giving the 50 dogs at Baltree the best possible lives they can. I see it every day and I do my bit to help by working at GRF.

What the HELL gives you the right to threaten these people and their kennel? Who on earth do you think you are? And you are even PHONING them? How is it that two people can do so much good and yet get all this stick from people like you, Dawn? How? What are you ever done that can even compare to what Celia and Jimmy are doing? They have saved over 700 dogs an you have been totally responsive for the death of one dog due to your own total incompetence and complete selfishness.

I now that Celia does everything she can to get the best home possible for her beloved dogs by conducting interviews, checking the potential homes and gardens, and making sure the people understand greyhounds before she lets any of her dogs go. And she does a DAMN good job, too.

You have know idea what you are doing or who you dealing with. You threaten Celia and Jimmy? You threaten everyone who is a part of GRF and do their bit to help. You threaten all of the families that live their life's happily with their greyhounds. But most of all, You threaten me and the volunteers, the people who work on the front line and see what Jimmy and Celia do everyday. People like you should get everything that's coming to them.

I'll be sitting in the front row at court. See you there.


Here Here!!!

Well said Sean. We will be sitting in the front row with you along with many many others.

Dawn, you have no right whatsoever to spread these lies about Celia, Jimmy and all the wonderful volunteers who give up their time to help at the kennels or fundraise for GRF.

I hope you are thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

Celia and Jimmy - we are all behind you. We all know the truth and so does anyone who has ever had a greyhound from yourselves.

We all admire you both and love you both so much.

Don't let this malicious idiot get to you.

Kaz & Pat
Ace and Jade


Very well said Sean I couldn`t agree with you more.

Celia and Jimmy you have a massive support network and I am sure everyone is standing right behind you... me included.

Carry on the good work. The Greyhounds need you but you definitely DO NOT NEED THIS.


Who is this dawn idiot,,, what a sad pathetic excuse for an human being, we all stand by you celia and jimmy your a wonderful coupld who have good hearts unlike her personally i would call the police, she sound like a coward and a very sad excuse for a humn being. Love gill john and willow.


Sorry for spelling mistakes was so angry


Well said, Sean. You have expressed exactly what I was thinking - and very well expressed too.
As a volunteer at the kennels for the last 18 months I too have seen the selfless work that Jimmy and Celia do for the dogs. In my opinion they are both saints.
I'll be with you in court as well.


Well said Sean - couldn't have put it better.

What a load of nonsense .... we know the truth, that Celia & Jimmy do everything in their powers to rescue, and re-home, the greyhounds in their care.

This Dawn person is obviously bitter, for whatever reason, about the good works that Celia & Jimmy do ....... SHE is the one with the problem.

We are all behind you Celia & Jimmy, and they had better extend the front row of that Court ................

Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx


There are some very strange people in the world. Don't give the woman the satisfaction of the publicity. Call the Police and let them deal with the harassment.


Best advice yet, from Steve .....

Susan x


Maybe this Dawn is in need of some mental health treatment or help? She seems to be, taking into account her spreading such vile and untrue info about GRF. Sometimes I wonder what makes some people do such things to others?


Am sorry to hear about this. Everybody that has been to the kennels know the truth and everyone of us holds an extra special place in our heart for all the workers and most importantly for Cilicia. If it wasn't for your hard work our homes wouldn't be complete with our baby's.

Please don't let this get to yous, your doing a fab job.

Daisy & Toby's mamma


I am a greyhound racer from Thornton who has witnessed her evil at the track and was at the track the night Casper was p.t.s. and she knew full well she had done wrong. Crumpled like a deck chair and "laid out" like a new lawn the last time I saw her at the track and that was her vicious, poisonous tongue that got her that doo-ing, so she obviously hasn`t learned her lesson. Stan is right she does have a problem. Participating in too much of the alcoholic beverages AGAIN I have no doubt.

Jimmy and Celia are two of the better people in life, who have worked hard to achieve the goals they set out to achieve within GRF and deserve to be well supported and do not deserve moronic statements like that put on any social media sites - no matter how psychotic ( OR DRUNK ) the person is.
The patrons of the track are 110% behind you Celia + Jimmy.


We can't believe what we are reading, this is utter rubish the woman is mad. We have never met anyone with such a kind heart towards the dogs and any animal for thst matter.
David& Lynn