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Ho Ho Ho!

Santa says he's nervous about visiting GRF his year in case the greyhounds spook his reindeer, so I thought we could help make up for this by visiting the Donations section and giving a wee something to help make Christmas and 2014 a happy time for the GRF hounds.
I know many of you give your time, which is the ultimate gift, and others will be giving actual presents but if, like me, you don't have much time to spare, do please consider a donation, however small. They all mount up and will be hugely appreciated, especially as 2013 has been a particularly tough year at GRF.
Hope you all have a VERY happy Christmas,

Re: Ho Ho Ho!

Merry Christmas Marion
I am going up to kennels on Saturday with some goodies, (its an excuse to visit wee April )

have lovely time over the festive season x
Mary Missy and Pancho x

Re: Ho Ho Ho!

Thank you Marion for your extremely generous donation, as you no doubt know, Jimmy and Celia are without a phone line at the moment but I'm sure they will want to thank you themselves as soon as they can.


Re: Ho Ho Ho!

Celia and Jimmy gave me Bryn, Foxy and Jock, who are absolutely priceless (in every meaning of the word!) so it is I who wants to thank them, in a small way. Many crumbs make a biscuit - and greyhounds get through a lot of biscuits!

Re: Ho Ho Ho!

Great idea Marion .... have sent our donation via PayPal

Currently working on the Newsletter, which will be available very soon!

Wishing everyone, and their hounds, a great Christmas and a happy & healthy 2014.

Susan, Mo & Bootsie xxx

Re: Ho Ho Ho!

We would like to ask you if you can help us to join Marion in helping the Resident Hounds at Baltree by donating to the Hounds Christmas Dinner. As the picture below says £1 will give a Hound a Christmas dinner and as we have over 40 residents in our care at Baltree it soon mounts up.


We are delighted to have donated to the fund when we paid our sponsorship of the G.R.F. Calendar through Paypal.

It is dead easy to make a donation via Paypal If you don't have a paypal account you can use your debit or credit card or you can send Celia and Jimmy a cheque to the kennels if it is easier.


George, Morag

Billy and Lassie

Re: Ho Ho Ho!

We ordered some bags of Gusto from Dodson & Horrell last week to be delivered to GRF and would just like to check if they arrived OK?

Merry Christmas to everyone at the kennels.