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Happy Birthday Jock (9)!

Well an anniversary has come and gone on 14th Jan, and we are delighted to report that Jock is absolutely thriving a year after his major surgery to remove the fibrosarcoma from his rump (now fully furred apart from a tiny wish-bone scar) and muscular due to lots of exercise. Vet Heather pronounced him 100% fit at his recent annual check & booster visit.
He has put on 2kg of fit weight and is a really happy, waggy dog (can that mile-long tail ever wag!).
He's still quite self-contained, although he gets on with all other dogs, and he has all the normal greyhound bad habits (you know what they are!) but Jock Roberts is definitely one of the family and we love him to bits.
He's in the bed under my desk as I write, snoozing and farting quietly on account of Foxy introducing him to the delightful morsels that are rabbit poo!
She has a lot to answer for, my gorgeous minx, whose broken leg is now a distant memory. When I said I'd like a girl, Celia, she's not quite what I had in mind - but you can't have her back!
How are you guys? Has your broadband been connected yet? Hope to see you soon.

Re: Happy Birthday Jock (9)!

I think you need to forgive her (Foxy) she has introduced some bad manners into your household. Anyway morsels of rabbit poo are not poisonous at least! haha

Re: Happy Birthday Jock (9)!

Hi Stan,
Not poisonous, no, but quite odious when the resulting exhaust comes wafting from under my desk!
On a different note, they have recently discovered the joys of haggis, following the Bard's birthday celebrations, and they love it, and cranachan lickings, as well as crumbs from the cheese board.
Surprisingly, none of the above had any adverse effect on their exhaust fumes

Re: Happy Birthday Jock (9)!

Hi Marion,
You can try to give them a spoonful of natural yoghurt, even everyday. This should make a change in their flatulence.

Re: Happy Birthday Jock (9)!

Believe me Stan, natural yogurt has been a staple daily supplement to their breakfast for years and they soon let me know if I forget it!
I guess perseverance is the answer - they're gradually getting the message that I don't approve of the rabbit poo habit by keeping them on a short lead and liberal warnings of 'NO!' when they try to duck their heads for a sly nibble. Foxy is the worst - a vixen by name and by nature