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Beware the roses!

We have those lovely fragrant wild roses growing on the beach at Upper Largo and they are just beginning to sprout. Jock loves a romp around the dunes but, a couple of nights ago, when we had got home and had dinner, I noticed him rubbing his face with his paw. When he turned round his face was all swollen as if he'd had a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson (or Bessie! ).
I bathed his face and eyes and it calmed down overnight. The prickles are really fine at the moment and I just don't think he felt them at the time, but they had their revenge. He looked more like an otter than a greyhound and was quite perplexed by it all. Will he learn? - I doubt it!

Re: Beware the roses!

Eddie peed on a nettle bush and caught his very important member on them... He won't pee there again and chewed at it for ages. Unfortunately there is a line and I wasn't about to cross it by bathing it! Lol

Re: Beware the roses!

I'm surprised greyhounds don't get stung more often by nettles, as they are quite vicious at the moment and their fur is really too fine to offer much protection.
I'm happy to report that Jock HAS learned his lesson about going into the wild roses and carefully skirts that area on the beach - he's brighter than I gave him credit for, but I suspect he still has many lessons to learn the hard way. That's the problem with encountering the big wild world as a full grown puppy!

Re: Beware the roses!

Beware the bees and wasps too. Kitty is fascinated by them (so much so that she didn't even notice the cat in her garden about 2 feet away this morning) and tries very hard to catch them, but luckily they are far too quick for her!

Re: Beware the roses!

I know the roses you mean, Marion, as we are early Sunday morning walkers on that stretch of the beach! We tend to stick to the actual beach as, on the Coastal Path, Ellie tends to go into sensory overload! As for nettles, I cannot fathom why she hasn't been stung on the nose as, in addition to being a sight hound, her nose is never out of the undergrowth! Mouse pouncing is always good for a laugh!
Yes, Jo, bees and wasps - if it moves fast, it’s worth trying to catch and the garden may never be the same again!