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Bobbys Corn

Bobby went through surgery to remove a corn on his pad it has now returned and we do not want him to go through that again as it was a long recovery time. Any advice would be appreciated.

Re: Bobbys Corn

Hi ,
Our Billy has had ongoing treatment for a corn as well. He had his surgically hauled last year and it also reappeared.
This happens because it is almost impossible to get all the root out unfortunately.

We were advised to keep applying Vaseline or baby oil to keep the pad moist and softer but we found sudocream worked best for us. You can apply this as often as required. Udder cream bought from farm shops is highly recommended as well for keeping pads soft.

Billy had to get his corn paired back every six weeks after the hauling to reduce the pressure on the pad when walking for about six months.

We also gave Billy two Thuja tablets once a day (you can get them from Holland and Barret) untill the vial container was finished. I was told to take them when I had a verruca. Don't know if they helped or not but Billy's Corn almost disappeared over the winter.
You might want to ask you vet about giving Thuja to Bobby as we did that ourselves without their advice.

The corn is still there as Billy had to get his paired down again at the vets a few weeks ago the fist time this year!!! This is working best for us and Billy as this can be done without sedation as there is no nerves on the surface of the pad.

If Billy corn does start to trouble him to much our vet has said cutting a wedge out of the pad might be a solution but there are no guarantees that they will get all the root again.

For us and Billy management of the corn seems to be the best solution as you can tell by gently squeezing the pad how hard and deep the corn is. Once it gets hard when you squeeze it you know it is time for a visit to the vet to get it paired and it only takes a few minutes and the pressure is relieved and his is walking better again.

We usually put a sock and a paw boot on to protect the pad for a few days after the corn has been paired back as it is a little open to foreign objects getting in.

Any questions just ask

Hope that help a bit for you

Billy with the corn, Lassie

George & Morag

Re: Bobbys Corn

Just been to Bob at Vetrica.corn removed in minutes unlike previous vet we attended x-rays- anaesthetic and 10weeks in bandages. The benefit of a vet who knows Greyhounds. erine-paddy-jenny-bobby ps thanks for the advice george-morag-billy& lassie

Re: Bobbys Corn

Bob is an excellent vet .... we have COMPLETE faith in him too.

Susan, Mo & Bootsie x

Re: Bobbys Corn

We are all glad Bobby got on well at Bob the Vet.

Glad you found our advice useful!!!

George, Morag

Billy and Lassie

Re: Bobbys Corn

Great that it all went well for him.
Big cuddles to him from us.
Celia and Jimmy.